25 Oct 2020

25.10.2020 The have no free school meals? Then let them eat at The Commons!


Sunday 25th 54F,  a very wet night promises to become a very wet day. Dark and very windy! Danes are being warned to watch out for falling Russian vodka prices birds. Bird flu outbreaks in the land of the sinking nuclear sub sun may be carried abroad by migrating birds. 

The clocks have gone bad back. Just to add to the misery. Did I tell you that my knees have self-repaired? It's amazing what they can do these days!

A walk to the lanes in a full gale. My cap came perilously close to detachment a couple of times. The roadside fields were full of gulls. Until, that is, they spread fake news about my long, camera lens being a rocket launcher. Saw several birds of prey. Including a Red kite and a Kestrel. The three, pale, wind riders were absent today.


"Lardy" Johnson, the UK's Common as Muck, Ring Master, is promising to share his free dinners with several posh poor children. Every single day! This will occur during a commercial television appearance opportunity. With a handsome, tax-free, financial reward to the bloated, hirsute, albino, Slebish host. Whoever that may be.

The portly politician promised to lose weight when he was hit by the Jinping Plague. If only to show a good example to others much less gifted. [With free meals and top drawer, health care.] Obesity being one of the major and well known causes, of serious ill health. Being overweight is also considered to be a direct contributor to the severity of Jinping Plague symptoms. So dismissive, politicooze, hypocrites beware!

A UK footballer has been successfully campaigning for free school meals during the school holidays. Meanwhile several of Johnson's cohorts, popularly known as The Marionette-Antoinette Club, have withdrawn their ideas for directly subsidising brothels and crack dens. [To cut out the [parental] middle men.]

The Head Clown has sent them back to their stately homes. To tend to their stables, landscape their grinds and ruminate on obscene social inequality. Not to mention the "offshore tax savings opportunities" provided by major British Banks to those who can afford it.

Given the astonishing income, which many footballers enjoy these days. One is forced to ask how having the entire team owning several Lamborghinis and/or Aston Martins, each, impacts upon poor children's parents. When they are forced to buy a family season ticket and this week's latest team strip at gunpoint. By one of Pootin's, billionaire, money-laundering mobsters. 


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