This is very odd. The seagulls look as large as the deer in this full zoom image. Suggesting that these are the same family of small, Roe deer. Which I see sunbathing against a nearer hedge.
I disturbed a flock of Redwings numbering probably well over 1000. The sky was black with them off into the distance. They, and Fieldfares, are regular visitors to our garden trees in winter. Flocks of 50-100 are commonplace at this time of year. They seem to like berries but are very nervous of people. They look much like a common thrush but with red "armpits."
A proper shopping ride brought me to 25miles total for the day. I'm riding so little these days that I could feel my knees aching on the hills. I caught up with a white haired chap on a roadster with great difficulty. He was cruising at 17mph in white daps. Then I noticed the battery on the rack and the motor front hub. When I drew alongside and mentioned the assistance he said they weren't helping. I was wondering why he had slowed so much on the hills! Enough for me to catch him. I left him standing once we were back on the flat.
Saturday 9th 36F, misty, calm and cloudy. I have just discovered that my internet connection speed has doubled without warning, bragging or even a demand for more money. 202/213Mbps via Ookla. I saw some fibre cable work locally so that may explain the change. Having had a high speed connection for so many years I forget that many countries don't routinely provide their citizens with such a vital service.
Many countries, like Gravely Blighted, relied on greedy monopolies. Who were only interested in the low hanging fruit of cities and towns. They obviously ignored many rural customers because of higher costs and lower, guaranteed profits. Denmark placed fibre, internet connections in the hands of the electricity supply companies. Who, at the very least, had a century of cabling as direct experience. They also had an established billing and administration systems.
Denmark has the most amazing aerial imagery and mapping services. Free on demand, with the most incredible detail of all aspects of value, grounds and the building itself. Several if them make Google Earth look like amateur night. Most Danes use online banking, online shopping and paperless administration of public services.
A walk to the lanes in 100 yard mist. Of all the vehicles which passed me only one had its rear fog light showing. Some were driving on sidelights. Which is illegal in Denmark where headlights must show 24x365. The local hunt let off only five shots before becoming bored and moving on.
My Ecco walking boots have started to hurt at the deepening crease between the toe cap and the laces. I'm going to try stuffing the toes hard with stiff, brown paper.
Sunday 10th 32F, light frost, early sunshine, quite lot of cloud and stratified mist. There must have been an inversion layer because I could clearly hear sounds a long way off. The ducks were laughing at the same old jokes on the pond half a mile away. Distant gulls called loudly at distances which required binoculars to see them properly. I kept looking behind me for cars . Which were travelling on the main road out of sight beyond low humps of fields. The overnight, stuffed boots were improved but not perfectly comfortable.
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