can no longer separate commuter driving behaviour from virtual,
fairground dodgems. Idiotically set up in the sprawling grounds of a
dilapidated, planet-wide, psychiatric hospital. Reality has long fled
from this chaotic scene. It made no sense a century ago and will
almost certainly not do so in another 50 years.
you never stepped back and looked at yourself and what really passes
for your daily life? The road ahead has solid, double white lines for
miles. The same as they were yesterday and will be again tomorrow.
No team of jolly council workers has been along to reduce your personal misery in not being allowed to overtake. The speed restriction signs are still there. The double white lines are still there. Not that you take any notice of them. And what if you did overtake anyway? You'd actually risk your life and others? Just to gain one place in the endless queue to nowhere? Of course you would! Like a shot.
Because only overtaking gives you the delicious delusion that you are actually in charge of your vehicle and your life. Instead of having your absolute speed and route rigidly dictated to you. Freedom of the road? This is reserved solely for dictators like Pootin and Chump.
No team of jolly council workers has been along to reduce your personal misery in not being allowed to overtake. The speed restriction signs are still there. The double white lines are still there. Not that you take any notice of them. And what if you did overtake anyway? You'd actually risk your life and others? Just to gain one place in the endless queue to nowhere? Of course you would! Like a shot.
Because only overtaking gives you the delicious delusion that you are actually in charge of your vehicle and your life. Instead of having your absolute speed and route rigidly dictated to you. Freedom of the road? This is reserved solely for dictators like Pootin and Chump.
speed limits on your route are the same today as they were yesterday
and will be again tomorrow. Does your driving license purchase bring
special entitlement to you, and you alone? When all the other [obviously
inferior] billions of other commuter clones must refrain from
overtaking. And must do so into the far, far, distant future.
So why exactly are
you sitting right on the tail of that car at the back of the endless
queue in front of you? When all of you are travelling at just above the
legal, speed limit. At least some of the time. Does reducing your safe
braking distance really shorten your journey time?
A very old fashioned train, mind you. Where all the compartments are isolated from each other with doors which you cannot open, while in motion and there are absolutely no toilet facilities. At least, not until you arrive at your very own, "special" station.
You are all on a train which travels in constant circles to nowhere in particular. Stopping at regular intervals to allow commuters to uncouple and find themselves an imaginary parking place. Which do not really exist except in the commuter's feverishly, deluded minds.
Shame on you if your "office" is out of town and the vast area of utterly pointless tarmac is directly contributing to global warming. I bet they don't have any trees between the endless ranks of reserved spaces. Reserved, so that the managing director can have his heart attack a year or two earlier. From a total lack of exercise. Walking the least distance because he is far too busy and far too important for such things. Until he is replaced by the next managing director clone and they have to repaint the reserved sign
So, have a nice day! The nurse, with your medicine, will be doing her rounds soon. A "happy" pill and a blood pressure pill and something for that nasty asthma. Which you only get from insisting on driving a new and highly toxic car. Meanwhile, do try not to grip the bars of your restraining "wheelchair" so tightly. You know it makes absolutely no sense. At all! 🦽
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