29 Nov 2019

29.11.19 Fraug puts his Foot into Fat Borris!


Friday 29th 36F, cool, grey and windy start but with sunshine promised.

The BBC reports that Channel 4 held a climate debate for political party leaders. The two most famous, circus clowns failed to turn up. The usual culprits: Fat Boris and his straight man: Fraug. Two lifetime, obsessive attention seekers not turning up for a TV debate? This, immediately after the EU Parliament unanimously passed a "Climate Emergency" notice to promise increased coal burning. Does not compute!

Channel 4 pulled off a dramatic publicity stunt by erecting two ice sculptures of the missing Blighted clowns. Which slowly [and dramatically] melted during the debate. The leader of the labour party did turn up after getting a pass from his decrepit people's home. Nobody knew who the rest were. All obviously in desperate need of a vote or two amongst swing voters.

Some audience members claimed that the labour [taxing] leader was really Michael Foot. With a "Short Back and Sides" haircut to hark back to the Party's grass roots. Both Clown's parties complained afterwards to the TV Ombudsman for Continuously Lowering Standards about the ice sculptures. Which [allegedly] showed a total lack of respect for professional [and increasingly endangered] clowns.

Talking of which: This week's Ozzie prime minister is in denial about climate change too. As half of Australia's remaining non-desert chokes under a blanket of smog from burning coal koalas. Coal is  now Australia's only export after wool sales collapsed. This was due to cruelty issues in keeping sheep in a desert without water. So no Ozzie dares to mention coal in the same breath as fires or they'll go broke.

Danish climate experts are telling the "New Green" government that their CO2 reduction plans are mere cake decoration and will take years to have any real effect. The rest is just massaging the figures to make them look better in 2330.  

A walk in a cold, gusty wind along the marsh, up to the woods and then back along the main track. All very soggy underfoot. I was grateful for the waterproof trousers and the hood on my jacket. I didn't take gloves so relied on the hand warmer, hip pockets. Not ideal when tottering on steep, muddy banks bereft of useful grip.

A couple of herons took umbrage and left in a slow motion huff. Only about thirty Mallards were cruising the leaden pond under a leaden sky. It was 9.45 before the first, brief glimpse of the promised sunshine between layers of cloud. It was soon gone again. Though it left some bits of turquoise sky edged with pink just to tease us. After 11am it was solid sunshine until well after lunch. It remained clear later. With a beautiful, red sunset decorated by a thin, crescent moon. Already a frost at 6.45pm.

The storage tubs were a myth of the tracking website. Now they won't turn up until next week. Which means the trike shed must wait for its makeover. While my chances for the Nobel prize for extreme shed tidying is now equally unlikely. Never mind, I'll just wear odd coloured socks and go for the 2019 Guinness Record for shed tidying while wearing odd coloured socks as a [completely worthless] consolation prize. Well, it's not so utterly meaningless as spending years setting up dominoes just because you can't think of anything more interesting.


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