25 Nov 2019

25.11.19 Bad petrol!! Or better batteries?


Monday 25th 41F, dark grey again but with lighter winds. Fine drizzle and a thin, easterly wind accompanied me on my walk to the lanes. Heavy shopping in the car.

I bought some Shell petrol and the car immediately started misbehaving. Juddering and failing to pick up from low speed. The tank was probably 1/4 full beforehand. Now I have to burn off more than £20 of petrol [as a very low mileage user] before I can add some more from a different petrol station. The advice online, to avoid tank draining and injector cleaning, is to top up with premium. I usually use 95.

This problem has occurred before but I can't remember why it went away. It is nasty to try to pull through a gap in the traffic and then stall on the middle of the road! Even revving the engine repeatedly doesn't guarantee a safe pick up! Though it gets lots of glares in the supermarket car park!

There is a new fuel type coming up in 2020 with extra bio [ethanol?] mixed into it. We can blame the EU for this. The advice is to avoid it with older cars like mine. [1990s] Compulsory vehicle redundancy?

Q. How do you replace an "old banger" with a new electric one? A. You can't. One is completely worthless. While the other costs an arm and a leg and one and a half kidneys in Denmark with its 200% import taxes!

You can't even access any of the websites dealing with electric cars in Denmark. They all insist I close my ad blocker. I finally found an independent website listing EV prices in Denmark. The cheapest is the I-Up from VW.

You know, the completely trustworthy manufacturer. The one with a perfect record of honesty when it comes to statistics and testing. Not to mention factory installed rust. I've owned several VWs over the years. Though it was a close run thing, with Ford, where competitive rust is concerned.

Q: What are the chances a VW battery will outlast their claimed specs?

1) 1%.
2) Depends which heavily subsidised advertising magazine or website you ask.
3) 0.001 seconds after any supposed [vaguely worded legalsleeze] guarantee ends.
4) Who has £28,000 plus delivery plus "hidden extras" anyway?

There's no chance the new <cough> Green Danish government <cough> will reduce import taxes on EVs. They have a vast fleet of Chumpy's gold plated F35s to buy. Plus all the homes they will have to buy up and demolish because of insanely high noise levels.

Then there's all the publicly owned ghettoes they have promised to demolish to reduce imported criminality. 11,000 people are expected to leave the ghettos with large bribes readily available. The young criminals will just have to find alternative entertainment. Other than setting light to blocks of flats full of families and then stoning the fire brigade and police who respond.

In climate news: Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations actually increased faster in 2018 than in previous years. The Victoria Falls are in grave danger of drying up. Flow sometimes drops to 50% of normal and is predicted to get much worse.

Danish businesses, including factories and supermarkets usually release "waste" heat into the atmosphere. When it could be conserved in the local district heating systems. A large wind farm has been suggested for the seas of Bornholm. A Danish island just below Sweden on the map. The mayor of Bornholm is delighted at the chance to gain some commercial activity in what is usually considered a tourist island.

Parts from a vast, 200 meter high, wind turbine have been moved from the coast to the giant wind turbine testing station at Østerild in northern Jylland [Eng: Jutland] The tower base was ferried upright on a huge, multi-wheeled transporter. With the huge nacelle travelling behind at a walking pace for the entire 23km/ 10 hour journey.

The event made the national Danish news. Affected resident were asked to leave their homes in case of accidents. Though it is reported to have passed off uneventfully, just as expected. Many sightseers turned out to witness, photograph and film the journey. The experimental wind station now has nine pads to house a regularly changing series of turbines as manufacturers constantly develop newer and usually, even larger and higher, offshore designs. A maximum height of 330 meters or 1000 feet is considered possible.

The test site is a popular tourist attraction. With the surrounding area landscaped to provide ideal conditions for wildlife. Including, somewhat ironically, birds of prey. The filthy rich, coal, gas and oil lobby would have you believe there are huge losses to flailing turbine blades. The true figure is vanishingly small in comparison with the truly colossal losses to skyscrapers, industrial sites, road transport and domestic cats.

But don't let the truth get in the way of world destroying and totally obscene, taxpayer-subsidised profits. Ask any resident of a major city in China or India how they feel about the constant smog. When did it become a basic human right to poison your neighbour's air? Just for the convenience of driving to the local, McLardy's disabled space?

Tesla's "Battery Boy" has explained the window damage from hurling large steel balls at his new EV pickup truck. They whacked the stainless steel "Delorianesque" bodywork with a sledge hammer first. Before throwing the large, steel balls at the windows. The hammer caused a crack in the glass which failed on further torture. Next time they promise to throw the steel balls first and then whack the bodywork with a sledge hammer.

The larger Tesla easily beat the popular Ford F150 in a very unfair, tug of war. Note how Ford sneaked a jet fighter sounding label for their horribly outdated pickup? They should have gone with the jet powered one to compete with Tesla. How soon before the major, Ford production worker lay-offs begin? Their electric pickup is still years away. As they struggle to incorporate enough, built-in obsolescence in a much simpler vehicle. The Tesla looked like alien technology to the Ford's mid '70s styling. "Beam me up, Elon!" 😎


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