Yesterday, there was quite a rare astronomical event. Mercury transited across the face of the sun. Mercury's 5000km diameter to the Earth's 13,000km ought to make it feel much smaller. Except that it doesn't have 7 billion aggressively territorial ants constantly waging war with each other across its barren surface.
Seeing "tiny" Mercury cross the huge disk of the Sun should be a wake up call. Particularly to those who imagine we are invulnerable and somehow vaguely important. Nothing could be further from the truth. It wouldn't take much of an asteroid hit to wipe out most of what we laughingly call "our civilisation." The Sun itself, or one more distant, could easily wipe us out with a blast of radiation.
I shall have to go shopping today, if we are to survive. But first my morning walk beckons. Stuffing the Ecco boots with stiff, brown paper seems to have helped for the moment. A lion with a thorn in its paw is not much use to anybody. Except for myth manufacturers with an agenda.
Wednesday 13th 36F, clear sky, light wind and sunshine soon. What a difference a day makes. It was not to be. After being blinded by the low sun as I crossed the prairie it became steadily more cloudy and windy. I looped around the firebreaks in the forest heading for home. There were hundreds of mushrooms under the conifers. I disturbed a pair of herons browsing on the fields going both ways. They pretended to be afraid and wandered off over the nearby woods before returning for a rematch. A large tractor was painting the green skyline brown with a train of bright red ploughs.
Holland is reducing the maximum road speed to 100kph during daylight hours. Denmark has been raising theirs. Denmark's homeless are moving to the countryside. They must have heard about rising sea levels in all of Denmark's major, coastal cities.
Thursday 14th 40F, heavy, grey overcast and misty. 100 yard invisibility stretched to 200 yards as I climbed up to the woods and returned anticlockwise. A Goshawk landed on a tree just ahead. Then changed its mind before flying off into the mist.
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