The jacket is [literally] standing up in the bath now to drain off. This was the first real test of its waterproofing powers. I wore the shell trousers too and remained dry and comfortable. This is a strange new experience for me. I have never really had suitable clothing for rain. The man-made fibres may be light but those I have had were either leaky, or sweaty, or both. Now I can actually look forwards to rain. Instead of getting cabin fever when I should really be out enjoying my morning walk as usual.
Denmark is already close to the record rainfall of 1967. With still, nearly a month to go, it only needs another 52mm. Nobody, except the farmers, remembers last year's record drought. Though areas of our lawns, subject to hours of direct sunshine, turned white! Australian farmers have been celebrating the end of a five year drought, which ended with flooding!
Tuesday 5th 42F, dark overcast & wet again. It rained for most of yesterday.
Never try to take a close-up in heavy rain with the camera inverted and reversed. At least, not without setting the camera to macro first.
No longer able to protect its present global monopolies with global, tax-free status, the US will descend into a third world nation status far behind China. No doubt Chump's impeachment will lead to a civil war if wealth, justice and power division get any worse. They should have scrapped the Statue of Liberty decades ago and put up a vast effigy of a middle finger. To represent the absolute power and colossal arrogance of the 1%.
China may well be more corrupt than all the rest put together. However its sociopathic dictators have a wider perspective than merely robbing their own people of the everyday freedoms enjoyed by most other nations. Or stealing their paltry wealth to make a derisory billion or two to stash offshore or to spend on gold toilet bowls and sports cars.
The Chinese despots could still get it all horribly wrong of course. Nobody would accept another Tienanmen Square in Hong Kong. When mere survival and finding the next meal is no longer the preoccupation of the working poor, then they have enough time to place greater value on freedom.
An hour and half walk down along the road and past the marsh pond. Up through the steep fire breaks in the forest and then back along the main track. Lots of small birds foraging in flocks. While there were dozens of pheasants hanging about at the edge of the woods. Steady rain throughout and very wet to waterlogged underfoot. The track was literally a stream from field run-off.
The waterproof trousers proved not to be quite as breathable as hoped. I also need to replace the ridiculously slippery cord at the waist. It would not hold a knot for two minutes! Despite being made by a household name in outdoor clothing it is no wonder nobody stocks these particular waterproof trousers any more.
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