
38-43F, overcast and misty, but both are thinning. The sky broke up to
blinding sunshine between banks of cloud. Layers of mist and a natural
tobacco filter provided stunning landscapes. Capturing
the views is not easy when I am holding the camera as high as I can
manage at arm's length to avoid nature's nearby obstructions. The wind
turbines were still. Shopped in the car, in the rain, to bring back a
load of fuel for the stove.
21st 38-45F,
dark and heavy overcast. I need to visit a DIY outlet 10 miles away.
Today might be a good day for a ride. My walk to the lanes revealed a
sharp edged lid on the sky to the north. The huntsmen were disturbing
the peace again. With two waves of shots somewhere off to the south. The
forecast is grey but dry with light winds. Ideal for a ride. In misty
rain, on wet roads I rode 20, very hilly miles.
Going through the forest I was able
to wash some of the mud off the tyres in the long puddles. Two large
lorries passed me carrying huge stacks of hay bales. At the speed they
were travelling it will be a surprise if there are any bales left to
unload at the other end. A continuous stream of straw was being
scattered behind them by both.
22nd 45F, early rain and cloud has cleared to sunny periods. I was having to retreat to the back of the verge to avoid horizontal sheets of spray from passing traffic. Having left very late for my morning walk I can confirm that 10 o'clock is not remotely too early for some drunks to be driving in tradesman's vans. I was also passed by a sports car with a Danish price tag of 6 million. And, no, it wasn't your run of the mill, drug dealer's or slave owner's Ferrari, Porsche or Lamborghini. It was something with far more class.
In today's news: 99% of Danes, of those who responded, would take a handicapped parking space if it meant a shorter walk to McLardy's door.
80% of the world's children do not get enough exercise. The other
20% is made up of child slaves carrying baskets of bricks or heavy rolls of cloth for
absent billionaires.
The United Nations says that the planned, new, global investment in coal, gas and oil will make CO2 limitation
completely impossible. Or, in other words; you can all kiss your lardy arses goodbye!
Gates admits that he would never have bothered to build his Microsoft, global monopoly into a personal fortune of $111,000,000,000. Not if had he known increased taxation would mean having only $110 billion and change. Even 1% extra taxation would kill
any incentive to be the world's richest man. That must be why they call them the 1%? I call them sociopaths.

More, filthy rich sociopaths are being named amongst the growing number of robbers who stole billions from the Danish treasury in a VAT refund scam. [Only possible because the politicooze cut back on staff.]
The robbery doesn't just mean no new roads, but hospitals, already desperate for nurses, never being built. Those few nurses left are constantly being assaulted by "entitled" thugs and drunks. Promised huge increases in the number of nurses [in election Politicooze] actually means hundreds fewer in as many months.
billions [of real taxpayer's money] can still be found to tart up the hangars for Chumpy's huge fleet of gold plated, F35 jets. Jets which will probably be grounded due to illegally, excessive noise. Unless, of course, the Politicooze buy up literally thousands of real people's homes [with real taxpayer's money] and then demolish them all.
Still, it's only monopoly money [and monopoly people] to the politicooze. One of those special jobs where success, or abject failure, still means a lifelong, hereditary pension. Which would be the envy of the vast majority, of the monopoly people, paying the world's highest taxes. The tragic thing about democracy is having to choose between worst-case candidates. Then watching the skittles fall as new or historical charges arise. Self praise is [very obviously] no recommendation [at all!]
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