3 Oct 2019

3rd October 2019 St.Greta will be very cross!


Thursday 3rd 44-50F, rather cloudy but calm. Walked to the far woods. Well, it is the same forest as all the rest but there are bumpy fields in between. An hour and a half at a brisk pace under grey skies. It was often wet and muddy underfoot where forestry vehicle had been thinning out the conifers.

Abandon hope all ye who were fooled by the empty election promises of the new, <cough> "Green" Danish government. It was all lies, as usual, just to get their grubby hands on that fat, lifelong pension. 

They are even planning to increase taxes on electric vehicles! This after suggesting they needed half a million EVs on Danish roads to match their vacuous 2030 targets for CO2. Denmark already has the lowest take-up of electric vehicles after massive import taxes were introduced by the last lot. This promptly killed the EV market stone dead. No change there then.

Plans for buying up marshy fields from farmers to reduce serious CO2 slippage are on hold. These fields are very unproductive but farmers can claim subsidies for every square meter they own and those they don't. Of course they will want top market prices for their "finest agricultural land" and sod [sic] the CO2 problem, climate change and sea level rises. They can always claim compensation, down the road, when their fields are flooded with seawater. 

Don't believe me? Denmark is traditionally run by several, mutually parasitic, political parties. The supporting, coalition parties are all expressing their deep dissatisfaction with the lack of ambition displayed by the latest crop of vote winning, professional, musical chairs players.

When will deliberately lying to the electorate become a crime punishable by imprisonment? These members of parliament are not of merchantable quality, sort of thing? It's no wonder they don't want anything to do with consumer protection!

I was just reading how Nissan ignored a loyal EV customer's concerns about empty hype on mileage per battery charge. After years of complaining the Nissan Leaf dealer finally offered to replace the faulty battery. For little short of the price of a completely new car! This owner has never had anywhere near the claimed mileage per charge from new.

The price demanded for the new battery was three times the present value of the Nissan Leaf, of the same age, on the secondhand market. Assuming, of course, it was a "good one." i.e. A car which had actually matched Nissan's empty claims on range per charge. Do we sense another VW diesel fiasco on Nissan batteries? Owner reviewers do not seem well pleased with the Nissan Leaf's range.

It seams that car dealers never change their spots. I bet they used the same lies when they were selling steam, traction engines to farmers and hauliers. And probably horses and carts before that. It sounds as if Australia has no more consumer protection than Denmark. Or it is simply inverted? With its head buried deep in the desert sand. 

I expect Denmark will be having a visit from St.Greta Thunberg when she gets back from scowling at Oberst "Legless" Von Chump. Somebody much nearer to home needs a good scolding!

The US is presently "enjoying" record high and record low temperatures. Simultaneously with record snow falls. Talk about a divided nation! 😉

A young man in Denmark is facing confiscation of his car after he was stopped on a busy motorway. Police claim he was driving at 229kmh or 142mph while having a race with another car. The police patrol said they had great difficulty keeping up with the racing vehicles despite their own extensive experience and special training for driving at high speeds. One of the "competitors" got away. The court has now ruled that the driver will lose his car and it will be auctioned.

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