21 Oct 2019

21.10.19 No news is [very] good news.


Monday 21st 50F, heavy overcast with rain on the windows. It rained steadily all the way to the lanes and back again. Neither forecast service is offering rain. It rained all day!

An increasing number of news websites are being summarily closed [by me] as I refuse to accept cookies. Or refuse to allow them though my ad blocker. Are they selling the news or selling their advertising? They really ought to make the choice. One advantage, for me, is that I now read a lot less news in the mornings.

It is long overdue that there was ethical news. News without adverts. Or supported by ethical advertising. Adverts aimed at adults [who can walk and breathe through their nose at the same time] for ethical products or services. Nah. It would never work. Where, on Earth, would they find such products or services?

Google/YouTube is going to get burnt if it carries on like this. An advert aimed specifically at the mentally subnormal/retards/educationally challenged/PC term of your own choice, after every single video? How long do they think they will get away with this? We are long past total advertising saturation. Why don't they just change their pretend business names to Non-Tax-Paying Monopolistic Sociopathic Advertising Agency.con?

Today's news: Hospital doctors, who have to treat the injuries of electric scooter riders, are demanding compulsory helmets. One of the coalition parties of the newly elected, Danish government say that there is no ambition in the new, climate change legislation. More of a re-distribution of existing funds. I'm calling it Green-washing.

Meanwhile Romania's ancient and last remaining European beech forest are being illegally felled. The second forest protection ranger, to die in a week, has been shot. Legal sawmills say there is no government regulation. Now there's a surprise!

The BBC reports progress on electric car sales. 25,000 in 2018 is 1% of total vehicle sales. A British propaganda department spokesperson said they they were now well on their way to zero CO2 emission by 2150. Or was it 2250? Whatever.

Tuesday 22nd 52-54F, breezy and heavy grey overcast. I walked up to the woods in a clockwise direction. Caught up with a load of pheasants on the edge of a field. They obviously weren't afraid. I had to herd them forwards so I could continue on my way! Then through the drab beech woods and on down the steep track to the road. I saw two pairs of deer at a distance. Not sure my new green jacket is camouflage or not. Pheasants were clearly afraid of my old, bright orange jacket. When they should be very afraid of green! You never see a hunter in orange. Except for an occasional hat band.

A shopping ride in the offing.  Late morning ride as our hero headed off into fine but wet rain. Bit of a crosswind going. Loaded the trike in time for the rain to pause. Headwind coming home. Only 7 miles. Am I having fun yet? Quite a pleasant afternoon without being sunny.

Wednesday 23rd 48-50F, clear overhead. Still waiting for the sun to clear the cloud around the edges. Cooler than of late but the promise of sunshine. A walk to the lanes. Two male pheasants were walking ahead of me. Eventually they decided to fly off in opposite directions. A chevron of 50 noisy geese went over heading west. The "ponds" in the fields haven't changed much. There was some sunshine until lunch time.

Thursday 24th 53F, misty and cloudy. It looked quite promising as I walked to the far woods. Having followed a pleasant track well away from traffic where the mixed flocks of small birds moved around restlessly. I turned round and came back the same way. Now it has turned grey and slightly more misty. Bit of a breeze picking up too.

I have an errand to attend to on the trike. Light but bulky. I'll be off as soon as I have finished morning coffee. If drivers can't see my big, bright yellow Overboard bag on the rack then nothing will grab their attention.

But not a driver of Arabic appearance. Who cut me off to park in a bay in the village high street. This has never happened to me before in Denmark. At least, not as far as I can remember. I glared at him but I doubt he even knew why. The sociopathy of ignorance of the law and national rules of behaviour towards cyclists. Danes would automatically hold back for the second or two it would take me to pass the bay and then pull in. He didn't even bother to indicate. Just overtook me and then chopped across my path forcing me to brake hard.

The mist was beyond 200 yards as I fought a headwind going. Tailwind coming home but the mist was down to just 100 yards invisibility with fine drizzle. It has thinned again now but windier. Only 7 miles. Had a wave from a serious cyclist out training while I was spinning up a local hill.


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