The new jacket was rather too warm but not in that dripping with sweat, man-made fibres sort of way. I can only presume that the proofed cotton is breathing well. I wore only a thin jumper over a T-shirt under the jacket.
Even this proved to be too warm in the continuous sunshine and almost no wind. I had kept the jacket deliberately closed to test it's performance in different conditions for future reference. Only on the walk back along the road did I open it up to circulate some of the cooling head-on breeze. Still no chill.
Again I was lucky with the weather and it remained dry throughout. As soon as I returned the clouds drew in, it turned dark and rained. 71 pictures gathered today as I enjoyed many new viewpoints. It was often very wet underfoot on my extended route. So I should have worn my old, alpine gaiters. If only I had known, with the clarity of perfect hindsight, that I would be inspired by the low sun to enjoy a longer walk.
Today's climate news is that 20 oil producing countries and companies are responsible for 1/3 of all CO2 emissions. Denmark's largest CO2 producer is a cement producing company.
Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions | Environment | The Guardian
No. No. No. You'll never guess if I don't tell you: It's all about footballer's wives! Dugh? 'Nuff said? The BBC staff can all pat themselves on the back for dragging Britain's IQ down to a new and abysmal low to match Their Prime Purpose. Job done! Dumb and Dumber rules, innit, eh?
A late morning ride to the shops. It looked threatening but I almost made it home before the promised deluge. Where I had to whip in under a tree in a farm entrance to avoid a thorough lashing by incoming, white, stair rods. Moments later there was a lull and I was on my way again. Only 7 miles. Returning heavily laden in just over an hour elapsed time despite shopping at three supermarkets. My hero! 😎
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