25 Oct 2019

25.10.1919. Definitely NOT a DUTCH cycle bridge!


Friday 25th 52F, breezy with a very rough sky. In celebration of my very first pair of new, waterproof trousers in over 50 years, several spots of rain hit me on my walk. I was slowed by a headwind in the lanes but soldiered bravely on. There were even brief flashes of sunshine, but somehow, I survived. One forecast says dry but grey all day. The other forecaster says rain all day. Who are you supposed to believe? How do I know how to dress for my walk? So far, it has been a day of cloud, sunshine and only a very few, short showers. It finally cleared to sunshine after 16.00.

The Danish news is that they have spent over 100 million, Danish taxpayer's Kroner on a bicycle bridge in København. Only they carefully arranged it so that 120,000 cyclists, per day, and 10,000 pedestrians must cross each other's traffic streams on a pedestrian crossing! They also make cyclists wait at several red lights! Dogh? Dugh? That's Danish Janteloven [Jante's Law] for you. They should have asked the Dutch how to do it properly!

The road designers responsible should be named and shamed on TV. Then they should be sentenced to 10 years of continuous use of this disaster area crossing. The "authorities" who approved the layout can join them! What is the betting that these "overqualified" road engineers and highly paid administrators all drive [taxpayer funded] "Ministerial" limousines and never go anywhere near a bicycle? They should all be made personally responsible for compensating all and every victim of personal injuries directly caused by their piss poor "professional" misconduct!

The following  video [link below] is from the Danish TV2 station. Which typically [for TV news] relies entirely on "head and shoulders" interviews. Rather than actually showing the real problems. Well, how else are they to make the overpaid interviewer [TV journalist] the real star of the TV news story? Note the standard "walk on" part as she approaches the camera in her designer outfit? No TV journalist may ever stand still while on camera. It is written in stone somewhere outside the Hollywood School of TV FILM STAR Journalism in East London.

I am shocked and dumbfounded that the presenter didn't actually climb onto a bicycle and wobble across the road just to prove she is as good as any BBC news "film star" TV journalist. It is standard behaviour, written into the contract in Gravely Bighted, that every news presenter must attempt the activities of the "underling" [aka: member of the public] about which the news story is really supposed to be.

BBC TV journalists have never knowingly been up-staged. Not even by daring lunar astronauts and parachute-free, high altitude, naked, sky divers. If somebody has just surfaced from the depths of the ocean, after spending ten years underwater, the TV journalist must also descend to even greater depths.

It all started with the Torrey Canyon disaster. A local TV News "Journo" was on shore, 17 miles from the burning wreck out at sea. With no film to prove his omnipotent presence [as the outside broadcast film star] at the scene, he literally climbed into a rowing boat. And, was then filmed bobbing about in the fishing harbour while he talked urgently to the camera. I kid you not! The scene is indelibly seared into my mind.

I'm still looking forwards to the first public arrival of a UFO. Which will be completely invisible behind a solid wall of animated, arm waving "international film star" TV journalists. All with their backs to the UFO [and the friendly but confused aliens descending the invisible staircase] while the journalists talk urgently to their cameras. All the while holding up dead, furry mammals and demanding to know how it will affect The Markets. Or their own dictator's/president's chances of re-election. Or the Perp's likely reaction. Or, even, the outcome of a local football match. The latter is by far the most likely. Take my word for it.

Here you go: [at last]

Cykelbro til over 100 millioner skaber kaos - TV 2 - Cycle bridge for over 100 million causes chaos.


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