18 Oct 2019

17.10.19 Tuck and trim.


Thursday 17th 54F, heavy overcast, raining with a bit of wind. The wet jacket took a whole day to dry indoors yesterday. It will probably require a similar period of drying after today's 40 minute walk in steady rain. I retreated to the limits of the verge to avoid the incredible spray plumes coming from every vehicle's tyres. Some of the lakes on the fields have simply vanished despite continuing rain. While others continue to grow. Very odd!

Denmark's huge global impact on electric vehicle sales reached a new height in August. Less than 350 EVs compared to 19,000 of the mass killer, toxic gas, filthy exhaust type. We must pray that the EV manufacturer's can keep up with Denmark's insatiable demand. What was it they said at the last election? "We must lead CO2 reduction by example!" 😂

More Danish news: Parents are demanding their children's official school photographs be Photoshopped to remove "blemishes." Perfection being the order of the day. This sounds like an opportunity to make a few, tax-free kroner: [Only kidding.]

"How many kilos do you want shaved off Madam? Er, won't that make your daughter look a tad anorexic?"
"No madam, sorry, but there is no discount for bulk."
"What about all those black teeth from her sucking on sugar bomb, energy drinks all day long like a big, fat baby?"
"Certainly madam." "We're doing a special two-for-one offer this week: 500 kroner, in cash, per kilo lost in the lab."
"Four hundred per whitewashed tooth if you take advantage of our combined weight loss offer at the same time" "Just think of the savings!"
"Sorry, Madam. No, we can't make your son look like Jennifer Aniston!"

Deep fake? You ain't seen nothing yet!

Friday 18th 51F, heavy overcast, a light breeze, but dry. I walked to the village and back. No news? I'll think of something. It rained at lunch time.

The Extinction Rebellion climate protests continue after Big Money forced a London ban by the police. Isn't it odd how the police are too busy to attend to life-changing burglaries? But they can always find thousands of uniformed police for a small protest in case they disrupt cars driving 200 yards to the nearest takeaway. Or to stand around doing nothing [at all] just to reassure the public after a copycat nutter commits another atrocity.

Saturday 19th 48-51F, almost clear start but windy. All day cloud forecast with rain later.

The Gravely Blighted news is that schools are going to provide refrigerators in quiet corners. From which the working poor can take food to feed their families. All too many children are turning up for school with empty stomachs. Not much sign of hunger elsewhere in Graveley's obese society.

No doubt the 'fridges will be quietly removed once a few "entitled," middle class thieves help themselves to the entire contents and dump it all into the Audi. The working poor will not want to be stigmatised so won't go near the free food.

When I was at school the staff deliberately made a point of stigmatising the kids who had free school meals. I wonder how much the real level of poverty has changed? Kids came to school in obviously handed down underwear and outer clothing. Underpants hanging down from the legs of heavily darned shorts. Oversized and tattered jumpers with darns and patches on the elbows. They didn't have charity shops back then. Now they have charity shops specialising in fine clothes for the entitled and leisured, BMW/Audi crowd.

An easy definition of slavery is not getting enough to eat despite working for a <cough> living. Working is a pact with society that provides rewards regardless of the nature of the employment. If there is no connection between working and income then that is slavery. The allotted number of waking hours for a real human being are stolen. That is robbery with menaces. And they wonder why there is so much crime?

A grey day of showers and only brief glimpses of the sun. I was denied a pass to the tradesman's entrance with my trike. [On the way out.]

Sunday 20th 50F, another grey day is promised. A walk to the lanes. Where the field puddles still grow. I caught a pheasant red handed by the road. It pottered off across the field but seemed reluctant to leave the safety of the hedge. So I strode on to relieve it of having to make the choice.

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