11 Jul 2019

9th July 2019 Pootin's worm problem!


Tuesday 9th 57-65F overcast and calm but some sun promised.  Slept in until 8.00 dreaming about lorry deliveries to a castle on top of a steep hill. It must be all that ranting! I'm usually ready for the day by 6.00-6.30am.

After a flat refusal for morning coffee, to immediately follow after breakfast, I set a personal best time in freestyle walking to the lanes and back. Busy at home all day.

Wednesday 10th 55-67F, warming quickly in wall-to-wall sunshine. Walked to the lanes in a pleasant, westerly breeze. No need for a shopping ride today according to THG. Tomorrow is forecast cloudy so my leash might be loosened slightly.

Thursday 11th  57-65? F, grey overcast with a light breeze. I have been given the go ahead from The Controller for a ride to the shops. We have run out of organic tea again. A serious problem, because our usual, organic tea was withdrawn from the only supermarket chain stockist. You can still get any organic or toxic fruit tea you like but not organic breakfast tea. You can keep your Earl Grey, thank you very much.

So it's a 14 mile round trip to buy another, less desirable product. This has been going on since our arrival here. Every time we settle on a quality, Organic, wholemeal, sliced bread it is quickly withdrawn and replaced by something completely inedible. The Danes like Rye bread and [and palm oil!] So we know whom to blame!

It got so hard to find good quality bread that we went over to Organic, wholemeal, brown rolls, or we would starve. It is only a matter of time before "they" change over to their own brand and make them completely inedible. Own brand means crap in Danish.

Every supermarket chain brags about all the organic products it has on offer. Try finding an organic lettuce or decent tasting tomatoes! The organic milk is always the first item to have empty shelves in the cooler cabinets.

It was hilarious to read that the profits of big US tech companies are to be taxed at 3% by France. The US is screaming foul play and an attack on US companies. Yeah, right! Which other companies operating in Europe pay no taxes on their massive profits? Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon & Microsoft rule the entire world. All are US companies and monopolies in their own fields which heavily and negatively impact on European economies. All without contributing a bean from their profits. Often they enjoy subsidies to set up a tax-free servers in mega-building and insist on get-out clauses which no other companies could possibly enjoy. Economic invasion by any other name?

Back to climate and Pootin's most recent ravings on wind power and bird deaths. He must be believing [or writing] his own propaganda. The number of deaths from turbines is absolutely minuscule compared with most other common structures. Billions of birds die globally in impacts with the glass of office towers. Domestic cats kill billions more.

But, oh dear, it gets even worse: Pootin now wants to protect earth worms from wind power, tower vibrations! You couldn't make it up! It hardly needs mentioning that Russia's entire economy is built on gas, oil, coal and corruption. Without it, Russia will revert to the Soviet era levels of abject poverty [and corruption] but still enjoy dirt cheap vodka.

I wonder whether you can buy vodka cooking stoves? For when you can't afford the trillionaire oligarch's gas bill.

Walked to the lanes and beyond in very light, spotting rain. I kept hearing odd sounds like an agricultural machine, or even a digger. But found nothing despite exploring much further along the quiet lane than usual. There is literally nowhere for anything like that to hide. With large fields on both sides of the road likely to show any tyre tracks. Very odd indeed. Perhaps I'm hearing things? As I gird my loins for the coming ride, the southerly windows are suddenly wet with rain. Bøøger?

I was finally let out of the Servant's Entrance gate with a name tag firmly pinned to both trike and rider. Fourteen miles later I returned heavily laden into fine drizzle.

I can confirm that these new-fangled, wireless collars. The one's with electric shock electrodes, work rather too well. I think I'd just prefer to be "chipped." Then I can concentrate on the traffic instead of waiting for the next jolt. 😉

Click on any image for an enlargement. 

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