Two items vanished in the short stay outside two different supermarkets. The items went into the yellow saddle bag when the trike was parked at the bike rack. Which is well out of sight of regular passers by.
There are always huge stacks of wares on pallets blocking the view of the bike rack from all the customers leaving the shop by the only exit. The pallets also force cyclists to take a wide detour to reach the rack in bad weather. Or when heavily loaded with shopping. It could be worse. One supermarket completely dispenses with its cycle racks to a fenced off collection of discount outdoor goods. A habit shared by other branches of this chain.
There was an odd sound in the garden just before I left for my walk. Possibly a juvenile bird of prey squawking in the huge willow trees. Though we couldn't see anything unusual. I saw a pair of buzzards circling over the nearest copse but they soon moved away to the west as they gained altitude. They had no offspring in tow.
I had a wave from a grateful lorry driver. His thanks for my taking to the verge to allow him to pass easily on a sharp corner with his vast, 7-axle container lorry. It has reached 76F before 10.00am. Already too warm for me. I had a headache in yesterday's warmth. I should probably increase my water intake substantially.
Late morning, hilly ride to other, more distant shops. Warm and sunny with a tailwind going. Cruising at 18mph at over 100rpm. Had to visit four supermarkets before I finally found any organic potatoes larger than broad beans. It was pleasantly cool inside the supermarkets. Though some areas were a little, too cool for racing jersey and shorts! I'll know where to go if the summer temperatures become completely intolerable. Returned into the wind. Only 14 miles.
It has reached 82F [28C] at 13.30pm and still climbing. 83.5F by 15.30. I'm struggling to stay awake.. The temperature in my north facing, dormer window has been in lock step with the outside temperature. Though it is cooler downstairs I prefer my comfortable, computer chair and the view of the waving trees from my window. The rise-and-fall, steel framed, swivel chair, with arms, came from a charity shop many years ago. It has served us well.
16.00 and the outside temperature has dropped one degree. While the indoor temperature is at 84.4F [29C] and still rising. I've put the 12" fan on low for a bit more comfort. That was a charity shop find too. I used to take it to work and put it on when the temperatures inside the factory rose above 30C. The factory walls were vast, pre-cast concrete slabs with internal insulation and pebble dash outside. They used to heat up in the sun to become radiant heaters far too hot to touch! Which probably says more about their winter insulating qualities. Or rather, lack of. The entire building, including the extensive offices, was a thermal nightmare. I suggested a coat of whitewash on the southerly aspect but my genial advice went unheeded. Now down to 82F at 17.00.
Both Dutch and Belgian heat records have fallen bracketing 39C or 102F. Holland, amongst other European countries, lost thousands of elderly and sick people in a previous heatwave. So the Dutch have been taking serious steps to limit the damage in such future extremes.
Meanwhile Greenpeace tried to stop Boris's triumphant motorcade to seek the Queen's permission to form a new government. They wanted to hand the new PM a letter about the climate and environment but their protest was soon pushed into touch. He has probably, already been tipped off about the 1% economic class [Aka: alien reptilians ] highly successful efforts to terraform the Earth to better suit their comfort needs. 👽 I'm joking of course. Absolutely no need to send the MIBs around! 😨 It's just the heat getting to me. Down to 80F @ 18.30 after a siesta.
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