Today's [statistical] health report says 2½ hours of steady cycling and a pint of beer a day protects us from dementia. Sounds good to me! Where do I queue for my free beer?
And why I am I paying taxes on beer? When sugar loaded and health damaging beverages are free of such burdens?
A cynic might suggest that governments want the old to die younger to save on pensions. Though I expect they'd argue that health costs for the [non-foods] damaged populace would rise more dramatically then pensions. Is that why such crap remains so easily available at such low cost on demand? No limitation on opening hours? Nor age limits to drink this filth. No identity cards required. No scolding landlord nor sensible bar-person to stop you drinking yourself into a very large grave.
Imagine retiring after [say] 50 years of loyal attendance at a genocidal, sugar bomb manufacturer and distributor. Then, as you leave the gates for the very last time, you suddenly realize that you have never done an honest day's work in your entire life.
Only then does it begin to dawn on you how many people have actually died as a direct result of your own actions. Better drown your sorrows? Choose your poison carefully! They say that the sociopathic directors of genocidal, cigarette manufacturers don't smoke. So, do the sociopathic staff at genocidal, sugar bomb factories drink their own crap?
Tuesday 16th 57-72F, overcast with a light breeze. The harvester had been out around the edges of the prairie yesterday afternoon. So I was able to take a more a direct route to the main track to the woods. Then walked back along the road. An afternoon ride was sprung on me by THG. Warm and breezy with some sunshine and countless flies in the air. I had to become a nose breather but it didn't slow me much. Only 7 miles. I need a trailer since I stopped going out every day!
Wednesday 17th 57-71F, overcast, but calm, with a grey forecast. Another tour out on the prairie after the harvester had left long rows of hay and stubble. The field having been completed the baler would follow on.
There was a flock of immature mallards near my bank on the marsh pond. They paddled gently away from me and then paused and waited. Before rushing noisily off across the pond surface in a panic.
It turned continuously sunny, with thin, streaky high cloud, just before lunch and reached a warm 71F. Appeals to be allowed out fell on deaf ears. Perhaps the signs will be more favourable tomorrow?
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