The mist makes the low hills look almost like distant mountains.
It rained briefly enough to be heard falling but lasted only a couple of minutes. A brilliant Yellowhammer flew down with a Chaffinch for company and watched me approach within a few yards.
A woman in Battersea, in the UK, has been killed while riding an electric scooter. She was in collision with a lorry on a roundabout. Electric scooters are illegal for normal use in the UK. They may not be ridden on the public roads, cycle paths nor pavements.
Electric scooter rider killed in Battersea lorry crash - BBC News
Saturday 13th 60F, overcast and very misty. It is supposed to be sunny periods. The weather persons are using the wrong seaweed again! It was dry but the mist still clung on as I left for my morning walk. Spider's webs were everywhere. Made visible by the dew. It tipped down in a 20 minute cloudburst yesterday afternoon. I was stuck in the trike shed and couldn't get back indoors without getting soaked! Today, at 10.45, the sun suddenly broke through. Chance of a ride? Better ask THG.
Nice work if you can get it. [Ambulance chasing, I mean] Only in the land of the free [billionaires.] Yay! 😉 Tax deductible fines on 1% taxes on $22billion in profits? It's no wonder The Berg's shares went up on the news! Berg is a mountain in Danish. How appropriate!
Talking of hills: I cheated today and enjoyed a five mile, hilly [mostly uphill] detour peaking at around 1-in-6! It meant 19 miles in total with a headwind on the return leg. I knew I'd pay for it when I was able to cruise at 20mph on the way. Going extremely well today considering my limited mileage of late. Returned heavily laden as usual. I was whacked on the lip by a suicidal insect going the opposite way. I didn't see it but it must have been a whopper!
Sunday 14th 57-63F, grey overcast but calm. Haze softening distant views. Walked to the village and back. The Sunday traffic was quiet. Lots of birds about. Both forecasting services were completely wrong. Not a breath of sunshine all day and it remained 10F cooler than expected.
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