We came one step closer to Armageddon over the last couple of days. The Golden Dunny [Von Chump] threatened tiny Sweden with total nuclear annihilation on Junior Twatter. Herr Chump demands the instant release of a Black rapper who was arrested in Sweden for a public disorder offense.
El Chumpo insists the rapper [of colour] be released and returned to the US forthwith. Where he can be summarily executed by the nearest racist cop to provide Great US Justice for jaywalking whilst Black in the Greatest Country in the World. That is outside of Bowis's Gweatest Gowden Isles of Ewa. Or something like that. 😉
Bowis once worked for the Gwauniad Newscwapper. Which is renowned for its dyslekcikal gedlines before he was sacked and standards genewally impwooved. Google Twanslate's AI has yet to offer a service for The British Upper Classes Speech Handicap. They still can't find a Wosetta Stone amongst the vast warehouses of the Bwitish Woyal Jewel collections and umpteen palaces stuffed full of stolen Empire twinkets and tweasures from the Gweat Slave Ewa.
There was much activity on the prairies as the black sludge was being dumped into a vast muck spreader by a huge, front bucket loader. A tractor with a large rake implement followed the muck spreader to further distribute the goodness. Even up close it didn't smell half as bad as last year's. An hour and a half walk returning into 79F heat.
As the only explorer in the village perhaps I ought adopt a token military title. Major? Captain? Vice-admiral? Let's see now: Which rank goes best with Tricyklist? What about President? It seems any fool can be president these days. So why not me?
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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