20 Jul 2019

19th July 2019 Overwhelming El-congestion!


Friday 19th 67-73F, overcast but already warm. Not much sun on offer today.

The EU cabal commission [who?] has decided that it will be against EU policy to ban the sale of diesel cars from a set date in the future.[2030] Dugh? They really can't help themselves, can they? Give a very little person only a very little too much power and they'll be instantly corrupted and start an abusive [secretive] cult around themselves. Then give it a very silly and meaningless name, like: "EU commission." They even tried to lower the standards on diesel emissions until the courts made the EU commission's weaker standards illegal.

An afternoon ride to the shops to find stock of the special offer. So I bought ten! Because I could. That'll teach them! Only 7 miles with a headwind adding to my suffering on the vertiginous climbs on the way back. "Nobody knows the troubles I've had, tra-la." 😉

Saturday 20th 64-73F but warming rapidly. A rather breezy stroll in filtered sunshine out on the stubbled prairie. Because I could. A ride is imminent! Or not. I just pray I don't get caught up in the quote: "Overwhelming Congestion on Denmark's cycle paths" due to the "battery" revolution. Yet more El-scooterists fined for drunkenness aboard children's scooters.

Fear not! I have a solution: Assuming they are really serious about getting rid of the utterly selfish, filthy, polluting, motor traffic on statistically short journeys. They should add a second lane outboard of every, existing, cycle path. Reserved for electric bikes, scooters and skateboards only.

Make the narrowed, city streets all one way. Or two way, but with frequent bollards/chicanes. To force single vehicle passing in both directions while pausing for any oncoming vehicle(s.)

I guarantee that this will not slow the average motor traffic speeds. Which haven't changed [in cities] in decades from a walking pace. They should really be paying parking fees because they spend so much time standing still in an endless queue to the corner shop. Why is it a basic human right to be able to park outside your place of residence? You are blocking the road to the El-transport-revolution. Blocking our El-patho! Move! Do it now! Be gone! Væk!

The latest news is that the El-traffic should be split from the cyclists on Danish cycle paths. Somebody must be reading my nonsense. Talking of electricity: We had heavy thunder and rain at 18.00. Germany has safely crossed the threshold between green energy and doing the dirty. While June 2019 was the hottest on record globally.

In a desperate attempt to undo a century's harm, caused by architect's love of glass and cooking their building's inhabitants, they are now suggesting hanging plastic curtains housing algae to soak up CO2. Brings a whole new meaning to sails, doesn't it?

An unusual view from above of the marsh pond. The boxes are for bulk grain [duck food] to keep them present in large numbers for the hunting season. I'd drill holes in the boxes and turn them into bird hides.

The effect of these high rise curtains will have to be almost infinitely efficient to have any effect on USA's use of 85% air conditioning. Growing plants up the buildings would be far more sensible as long as I don't have to water them. Nobody seems to have thought of white paint instead of black roofing felt. CA causes a massive and already unsustainable load of CO2 to provide the energy needed. Further adding to the heat island effects of city structures and environments. Turning AC into a vicious circle. High rise buildings block cooling air movement and cause high localized winds at the same time.

How ironic that mankind is moving to the cities at precisely the point where city temperatures are rising faster than elsewhere. If I was of a superstitious nature I'd suggest that many of mankind's present woes are directly related to overpopulation and subliminal responses. Obesity is just a slow form of species suicide.

Running out of drinking water is the next giant hurdle in some countries. India and Australia are already in serious trouble. California had extended droughts. Food is becoming a scarce resource exacerbated by unprecedented heat, drought and flood. Given the present "nutters" in charge of the asylum our huge numbers could very soon plummet. Who will blink first in the Strait of Hormuz? Iran has vast numbers of unemployed and disaffected youth (27%) just dying for a cause. Any cause.

Sunday 21st 63F, overcast and blowing. Sunny periods are forecast. A breezy stroll to the lanes in busy traffic. Where did all the cars come from? Is there free beer in the village? On a Sunday morning? There's usually only a little traffic on a Sunday and it has been light all week. The solid clouds only began to break up around 17.30pm.

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