Tuesday 6th 56F, 13C, breezy and bright with a fine day forecast.Time for a walk to undo yesterday's exertions. Another loop out on the stubble fields. It can't last much longer before it is all raked or ploughed. The superbly overgrown verges have been levelled by a tractor with a cylinder mower on a hydraulic arm. The wildlife must think they are under attack from all sides now that their cover is gone. A grumpy cat flattened itself on a box as I passed. Just as another ginger cat walked over a pitched house roof via the builder's scaffolding.
I don't ever remember seeing the two kinds of birds competing with each other over air space. Nor even on the ground. Perhaps both had gathered large numbers of young from successful breeding in the much milder climate over the last few years? There is a large rookery nearby which must conflict with the huge flock of gulls which gather at feeding time at the nearby mink farm. It is also slightly odd to have large numbers of rooks or crows moving together. This is usually a sight reserved for the evenings as they return to their roosts.
Yet another case of terrorists throwing stones at traffic from a motorway bridge. This time the throwback were in north Jylland and aiming at an emergency ambulance carrying a heart attack victim. A second incident involved a woman in a car who luckily escaped with only damage to the vehicle. The police are appealing for witnesses after several young people were spotted on the same bridge. Attempts to trace the terrorists via a sniffer dog and the fallen missiles failed.
The timeless peace of the rural village. A stone age site probably existed on the small hump where the later 12th century church now stands in place of a much earlier wooden one.
As I said before: It's such a shame there wasn't an upmarket jeweller's on the bridge or the case would be solved several times over by now and the medals passed around. While the terrorists would be enjoying all the hospitality and paid holidays Denmark can offer.
It seems the Danish lorry driver's association is now suggesting security cameras on bridges crossing the motorways. Tragically the politicooze would have to find the money from the multi-party promises to reduce taxation for multi-billionaires at the expense of the poor. The latest long term political plans are guaranteed to increase inequality yet further.
Only 7 miles, with no overhead bridges. Catching up on the shopping meant squashed tomatoes. I really must come up with a better system than 3 stacked bags behind the saddle!
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