4 Jun 2024

4.06.2024 Fishy!


  Tuesday 4th 53F/2C. Overcast. Wet afternoon promised. Up at 6.15 after lying awake in the night.

 I am to visit my English friend today. To inspect his new greenhouse. I'll probably go in the Morris. Though I am recovered enough from saddle soreness to attempt the ride. The gorgeous countryside certainly deserves my best shot. Better now, than live to regret it.  

 8-8.45 58F/14C. A brisk morning walk to the lanes. Leaving behind a wall of birdsong and half hidden flowers. I yanked up a horse chestnut sapling. Trying its luck in the unkempt lawn.  

 Brief sunshine was only teasing. Busy traffic had me walking on the verge at times. Commuter insanity and miles of double white lines. Had chains of cars locked together. All less than a vehicle apart at 50mph/80kph. Only a nanosecond from another bloody headline and life-changing injuries. 

 A smallish bird of prey circled low over the road before leaving. Probably a Marsh harrier. It didn't speak English. So rudely ignored my quiet greeting. Skylarks, warblers, a Chiffchaff and blackbirds provided the familiar soundscape. The wind turbines up on the low hill were at a standstill. A very unusual sight. Distant figures attended to their quiet horses. 

 The crops are fading from dark green swards to the horizon. Ripening to lighter shades of deeper softness. Broken only by the unlikely geometry of the wandering spray tracks. A solitary black cockerel poked its head out of its hatch and quickly retreated. Perhaps unconvinced by my bold attempt at chookspeak.

 9.30 I have been topping up the compost in china pots and watering. The sun is showing off between clouds. As a new breeze stirs the trees. I still have time to ride there.

 And so I did. 28km in one hour and 10 minutes. Including stopping at the bakers for Danish pastries. Mostly a headwind.

 14.10 Safely back home again after another 28km. I stopped at a charity shop. Where I found and bought a small aquarium for pocket change. A Superfish30 holding 25 liters. Including a free heater-thermostat, fitted lights and an internal water filter. Plus fine gravel and fish pellets. 

 I went out in the Morris after late lunch to fetch the fish tank. I could hardly bring it home on the bike. Then I bought two small goldfish at a pond specialist on the way home. I should have left it longer but will be careful with water quality.

 17.00 The aquarium is set in place and already half full. I'll let the water mature for as long as possible. Before acclimatizing the fish with small water additions. Danish water is not chlorinated. It comes from very deep wells and is so clan that it does not need chlorination. The dealer filled the large poly bag with oxygen. So they won't be stressed if left in the bag for quite a while longer. Google says up to 48 hours. I will keep a close eye on them. The bag is laid flat for maximum surface area.

 I kept fish for most of my life until we moved to Denmark. Here I dug yet another pond. Where the goldfish grew quite large. Then a heron discovered the pond and decimated them! A net over the pond only made it sneak underneath. Then get trapped! So I had to risk life and limb to rescue the damned bird. Their beaks are as sharp as they look! Fish are useful pets. When a cat or dog would be too much to care for. Fish do not eat the furniture in one's absence. Nor spray it with chemical warfare toxins! Nor howl nor bark.

 Unfortunately, a 25L tank is tiny compared with goldfish needs. They grow large and are messy. So need large tanks. Ironically I have seen neighbours throw quite large fish tanks out into the yard when they moved out. The aquaria lay there for months before new tenants moved into the house and tidied up. 

 Dinner was organic Fettuccine pasta with tinned tomatoes and fish fingers.



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