20 Jun 2024

20.06.2024 Out and about.


  Thursday 20th 52F/11C [6.45] Sunny and bright. Some cloud is also likely as it peaks at 17C/62F. 

Up at 6am after waking at 4.30. My forearm continues to ache. Quite painfully at times. Though I am walking about quite normally this morning so far. I haven't noticed the automatic limiters engaging yet. The end of the drive should be within reach at 200m each way. What if I run out of steam? It would be silly to make it a one way trip! 

 I see the mentally religious dictatorship in The Southern Colonies want to erect some outdated moral guidance in every classroom. Leaving aside the considerable cost.. will these stone tablets be protected by bullet proof glass? Just askin'. 


7.45 Returned from a steady stroll to the far end of the drive in bright sunshine. No ill effects. The birds in the garden were all singing loudly. Lots of large lorries passing by on the road. The Cotoneaster was looking even more spectacular in the early sunshine.

 12.00 My e-bike is so effortless that I have decided to ride to the village. Off we jolly well go. 

 13.30 I have returned from my visit to the lady in the village. Thereby reciprocating her earlier visits to Chez Hovel. Precisely as expected, the effortless nature of riding on the e-bike made it completely without drama. I used Sport Mode on the flat and Turbo on the hills. Using low pedal cadence to avoid stressing my plumbing repairs. 

 If I do not soon discover how to switch on my washing up bowl. I shall quite probably starve. No visible on/off switch, cable, battery cover or remote control. Not even a drawer for the detergent! I had better check YouTube for basic operation. It surely can't be that difficult. My stock of clean crockery and cutlery is utterly depleted.   

 Dinner was beans on toast. I was so exhausted by the washing up. That I hadn't the strength [of will] to cook a proper meal. 



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