29 Jun 2024

29.06.2024 Another 48km.


  Saturday 29th 58F/14C. Rather overcast and cooler today.

 Up at 4.45 after a reasonable night of strange dreams. After waking at 4.10 I was drifting, irritated and bored. So I got up. My back was aching. I shall have a walk first and then [hopefully] a ride on the e-bike.

 7.30 Time for a walk. Still overcast and it feels cool and breezy. My back no longer hurts.

 8.15 62F/17C. Returned from a walk to the village. The Saturday traffic was light. More sunshine now. I kept up a fairly brisk pace without distress. Even on the inclines. The church no longer mows its steep grass bank adjoining the road. It has exploded with trees, shrubs and weeds since I last looked. Much like the lower half of my western lawn! Reforestation on a minor scale. Without the wandering wildlife.

13.15 70F/21C. Returned from a 48km ride. I seemed to be fighting a headwind for most of the way. Mostly overcast but dry. With a few sunny periods. A bit tired and saddle sore towards the end. Did I really say that? Tipping the saddle nose up slightly and re-tensioning the leather only helped for a while. I didn't take any refreshments. Did some important shopping. I'd run out of rolls. 

 Dinner was chicken and mushrooms with organic pasta and tinned tomatoes.





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