2 Jun 2024

2.06.2024 69 more km.

 Sunday 2nd 57F/14C [7.00] Overcast start but another sunny day expected. NW breeze all day. Up at 5.30. Another good day for a ride? 70F/21C in the room. Yet I feel cold in a t-shirt. Jumper! 
 I found some shoe laces at the supermarket to tie the B67 saddle yesterday. They were so thin that I doubled up the lacing loops to provided longer life!  
 8.00 Still overcast. Walkies! 
 8.45 First hint of brightness. I have returned from my walk. A lady, whom I met years ago, stopped her car to chat. She doesn't live far away. So was better informed on the entire neighbourhood than I ever will be. I was invited for a meal but politely declined. I do not feel remotely ready to socialize. 

 I have been recharging the bike battery from below yesterday's 29%. It was a complete surprise to discover how warm the Bosch charger has become in an hour. I hadn't noticed any warmth until today. Perhaps I was never tempted to touch the charger. Though I must surely have moved the charger many times in the last year. Perhaps not. The battery itself remains cool. No more than ambient. 

9.00 62F/17C. Full sunshine? Time to get ready for a ride, but where? 

 13.35 71F/22C. Mostly sunshine. Our hero returns from a ride to the city hospital. To scout out the possibility of free parking. For patients who are handcuffed to their beds. To prevent them from leaving to drive home prematurely. Against explicit orders to the contrary. Or just to be contrary in my case. 
 I did, of course, simply [sic] confuse myself after the 15th tour to the top of the 11 floor parking house. Free parking for long stay patients on or above the 9th floor. The extended stay parking was labelled so unclearly that I would not dare to use it. 
 Another 69km of saddle soreness to add to the toll. I wore my denim [?] cargo shorts over padded racing shorts. In the vain hope of extra padding. My optimism was ill-founded.

 Dinner was broccoli and fish fingers. 2 minutes in boiling water. No salt. That was the mistake. It needed a smidgen.


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