23 Jun 2024

23.06.2024 Semi-detached legs.


  Sunday 23rd 53F/12C. Bright overcast. Sunny periods and 18C/64F promised.

 Up at 5.30 after a slightly better night. My arm was not so painful but is still locally tender and swollen.

 6.30 Breakfast and then a walk.

 7.15-50 A walk in warm, bright sunshine. A hazy mist hung over the crops below the forest on the hill. The 7 miles distant radio tower was merely a dark silhouette. I safely reached my "beauty spot." Where I have taken landscape photographs almost every day for years. 

 My legs felt strangely detached today. Though I was not too short of breath on the gentle hills. While going up at a fair pace. Progress? I saw two birds of prey and heard lots of songbirds. The whole area grows more overgrown and shabby every day. Nature would and could take it all back in a few short years. Given free reign.

 8.10 60F/16C. Sunny and still. A shower first, morning coffee and then an e-bike ride I think. 

 10.00 Going for a gentle ride on the e-bike.

 11.30 Back from my ride. I met a nice English couple. Saw an ex-colleague. Did 18km. Taking it easy in Sport and Turbo mode and a low cadence. Never out of breath. Shopped briefly in the village on the way home. 

 15.00 Had a chat with my English friend online. Then took the recycling bins along the drive for collection tomorrow. I rechecked the distance on Google Earth. 2 Bins = 4 trips x 80m = 320m. It's all good exercise. Just slightly breathless. 

 Dinner was a cheese omelette with chicken. It looked a bit messy on the plate but was fine.





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