17 Jun 2024

17.06.2024 Please form an orderly queue?


   Monday 17th 57F/14C [7.00] The sun is rising over the absent neighbour's trees and hedges. Mostly sunny periods today and 17C. They are dropping like flies elsewhere due to heat stroke. While here the temperatures are struggling to get off their knees.

 Cotoneaster "salicifolia" with the superb, dark elder just behind it. Both in flower.

 Up at 5.50. I have some pain in my right forearm, shoulder and groin. My forearm was slightly more swollen last night. Probably due to trying to do too much during the day. The purple bruising is only slowly fading. The daft old devil keeps getting up from his chair as he always has. Needs an update and reboot. He'll be alright.

 I have ordered my new medicines on the phone and they will be delivered by the local pharmacy. This will avoid my having to fire up the old car. Saving me a further day of effort but increasing boredom. I have increasing cabin fever. Reaching the post box was a new record for distance. It left me breathless. It is only 20m from the door.  

 After the cheerful, friendly and helpful pharmacy driver had left. I had another visitor for a couple of hours. She brought fresh, raw honey and a good sense of humour. She has a wide knowledge of the area and lots of contacts. No doubt I shall be seeing her again.

Dinner was fish fingers freed of their breadcrumb coating. Plus a salad including cold, boiled potatoes, cold, boiled broccoli stems, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes. Pudding was more blueberries. All washed down with a non-alcoholic pilsner. 



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