19 Jun 2024

19.06.2024 Another rant. 🙄


  Wednesday 19th 54F/12 [7am] Bright overcast with a heavy dew. Some sunshine promised and arriving. 16C maximum today.

 Finally up at 6.15 after waking at 5am. My right arm is still aching and bruised. I am trying to avoid lifting the kettle with that arm. 70F/21C indoors but I keep feeling cold. Despite wearing fleece trousers, t-shirt and jumper. I had to don my down sweater while sitting at the computer last night. 

 The old 3m square garden pond. Which I dug by hand in the SW corner. Had been in very deep shade for two decades. The prostrate yews love the increased light levels from my felling the vast  horse chestnut.

 I am moving about indoors much more normally and comfortably. No breathlessness so far this morning. Even though I ventured upstairs for another jumper. I might take a gentle stroll along the drive. Just to have a break from emergent cabin fever.

 9.15 I have been for a walk around the garden before heading along the drive.  No real problems. Perhaps feeling a little tired. My right forearm arm ached continuously. I took a few pictures of flowers. Nature is advancing on all sides but I can't retaliate. Not even to pull out a blade of grass. Despite this I am actually quite pleased with my progress. From becoming breathless due to standing up. To [slowly] walking several hundred meters. After only a couple of days.

 11.30 Sunshine. I just had a phone call inviting me to a rehabilitation course at a rather distant hospital 45km away. I declined as I am not yet fit enough to drive to today's arrangement. Particularly at such short notice. It provides fitness assessment, training and dietary advice. Obviously all subjects of interest to me at this time. Though somewhat premature until I have fully recovered from surgery. I will receive a further invitation online.

 News: It seems 120 charging stations for electric bikes are to be erected around Denmark. 12 million Kroner to be subsidized by the EU/TAXPAYER. Abut a million quid in real money! 🙄 

 Off the top of my head I might have suggested multiple, weatherproof chargers. To be compulsorily fitted as standard outside all supermarkets at their bike racks. But what do I know? I am only a keen electric cyclist/tourist. How will they provide for non standard plugs/voltages on many bikes? Will they have fire extinguishers and or sprinklers for all the illegal Chinese imports? Like the stylish "Spontaneous Combustion Pro," etc?

 Perfectly in keeping with this nonsense it seems they put somebody with a PHD in advanced virtual communications, media technology and gender inclusion studies in charge of making links to news stories on DR. 🙄


A rough translation: https://www.dr.dk/news/latest/from-frederikshavn-to-tønder-to-køge-charging stands-for-electricbicycles-on-the-way.

 Another Rant/ Just Stop Oil Protestors have been vandalizing Stonehenge with harmless, cornflower based, powder paint. Raising the hackles of assorted interested parties. It seems the stones are covered in prehistoric markings but the archeologists haven't been arsed to record them. Let alone publish their findings. 

 The great stones were taken down and re-erected during earlier archeological digs. So they have been manhandled and generally messed about with for centuries. More of a facsimile than an original historical monument. I have a plywood Stradivirus [sic] violin just like that.

 No doubt a few local vicars have had a tasty bit of stonework installed in their churches. Then the local builders and landowners needed free stone for their sprawling monuments to greed and slavery. Nearby Avebury can attest to this criminal habit. The ancient stones were subjected to fire and then dousing. To break them up into useful chunks. \Rant

 A lady from the village dropped by for a chat for three hours. We hardly drew breath as we discussed anything and everything in English. I kept losing my voice.

 Dinner was salad with tuna and boiled eggs.



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