30 Jun 2024

30.06.2024 Excess packaging.


  Sunday 30th 59F/15C. Very heavy overcast. As a huge area of thunderstorms bears down on us from the south! A long run of cooler, wetter weather is forecast. The radar suggests I'd need waders or even flotation devices for a morning walk. Let's not bother.

 Up at 6.30 after a typical night of topping up the fire bucket. I woke earlier but managed to delay departure by over an hour. My arm is free of discolouration and almost no pain now. A shrinking, murky patch and mild, local pain remains in my thigh. Neither affects normal movement. Only a response to exploratory prods.

 Have you ever wondered how we end up with the candidates who present themselves at elections? Hundreds of millions, if not billions to choose from and we end up with this dross? 

 Democracy is a test of idiocy. Dictatorship confirms drooling idiocy. Professional crooks and liars should stick to advertising. Where they belong. They need speech writers? Talk about excess packaging! 

 A long day indoors watching YouTube videos.

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips. I know it was naughty but they told me. That I could have occasional lapses of judgement. Just not every day. I can work with that.





29 Jun 2024

29.06.2024 Another 48km.


  Saturday 29th 58F/14C. Rather overcast and cooler today.

 Up at 4.45 after a reasonable night of strange dreams. After waking at 4.10 I was drifting, irritated and bored. So I got up. My back was aching. I shall have a walk first and then [hopefully] a ride on the e-bike.

 7.30 Time for a walk. Still overcast and it feels cool and breezy. My back no longer hurts.

 8.15 62F/17C. Returned from a walk to the village. The Saturday traffic was light. More sunshine now. I kept up a fairly brisk pace without distress. Even on the inclines. The church no longer mows its steep grass bank adjoining the road. It has exploded with trees, shrubs and weeds since I last looked. Much like the lower half of my western lawn! Reforestation on a minor scale. Without the wandering wildlife.

13.15 70F/21C. Returned from a 48km ride. I seemed to be fighting a headwind for most of the way. Mostly overcast but dry. With a few sunny periods. A bit tired and saddle sore towards the end. Did I really say that? Tipping the saddle nose up slightly and re-tensioning the leather only helped for a while. I didn't take any refreshments. Did some important shopping. I'd run out of rolls. 

 Dinner was chicken and mushrooms with organic pasta and tinned tomatoes.





28 Jun 2024

28.06.2024 Keep on jugglin'.


  Friday 28th 63F/17C [6.00]. Heavy overcast.

 Up at 5.20 after a reasonable night. I have the hospital follow up on the blocked heart artery procedure this morning. I will have to drive to the city in normal traffic. So I should leave in plenty of time. 

 13.00 I returned home after having a long chat at the hospital. They suggested I have my fitness assessment and physiotherapy at the city hospital. Instead of the more distant one. Juggling medicine balls? I can't wait! I was given a blood pressure chart to complete over three days and return via email.

 After that I drove to the fish keeping shop. Coming away with 30kg of gravel and two under-gravel filter kits. They have two giants working there. One of them, carried the two bags to the car as if they weighed nothing. Then leaned in and put them on the back seat of the Morris for me. 

 Back at home I struggled to carry even one bag to the door. I often used to carry two or three 10kg bags of wood briquettes. Over from the shed for the stove. Happy days!

 Dinner was mackerel on whole grain toast. With halved tomatoes. Washed down with an apple juice. And don't call me a health freak! 😉



27 Jun 2024

27.06.2024 Unbelievabubble!


  Thursday 27th 63F/17C. Another warm, sunny day. It might reach 28C/82F today. Possible, thundery cloudbursts overnight tonight.

 Up at 5.45 after a fair night of weird dreams. There was a huge hornet on the kitchen window trying to get out. I carefully put a plastic jug over it to carry it outside. Only for it to die almost instantly. It hadn't injured it and there was plenty of air if it needed it. The jug was clean. Odd.

 6.45. I am going to try a walk again. Two days without one is breaking the healthy habit. Getting tired and breathless on my last walk lowered my confidence level. Meanwhile my fitness has been improving noticeably with each new day. I can climb the stair effortlessly now. Last night I carried a basket full of towels to air in the warmth upstairs.

 7.50 69F/21C. Bright sunshine. Just back from my walk. I forced myself to reach my usual turning point in the lanes. Then added another 400m by walking the neighbouring drive. Not much to report. Skylarks invisibly overhead. A flock of swallows was cavorting around Scrapman's hideous hoard. A giant 7axle tipper truck was delivering sand. Lifting a cloud of dust of which even the Sahara would be proud. 

 I was too warm in a t-shirt. My legs were octogenarian instead of septuagenarian. I am suddenly and acutely aware. Of walking unsteadily like the old man I only pretend to be. 18 months ago I was lifting 150kg paving slabs and great lengths of 6x6 timber! Whatever happened to that immortal superman?

 14.00 84F/29C!! Bright sunshine and a pleasant breeze. Unbelievabubble! I wanted a larger tank for the goldfish. So I checked the small ads online websites. A chap in the nearest town was selling the very aquarium I wanted. 100x50x50cm = 250 liters. About 55 gallons. For only 1/5th of the new price. So I drove straight into town with the trailer. He threw in an internal power filter, air pump and lights. Saving me further expense.

 17.00 77F/25C. Overcast. I woke from a nap to find it is 75F/24C indoors. I'll leave the greenhouse end doors open to shed the excess heat. Currently just over 80F/27C. Cloudbursts are reported to the west in South Jylland. The radar shows rain, thunder and lightning is moving north close to us already. Though nothing is heard or seen yet. There is a long gap shown over Fyn as the bad weather slides past.

 The bad weather eventually arrived. With almost continuous lightning but little thunder or rain so far. It won't drop below 17C overnight.

 Dinner was a fry up.


26 Jun 2024

26.06.2024 Fried or boiled?


  Wednesday 26th 64F/18C [7.30] Another warm, sunny day is promised. With a maximum just over 25C/77F. Stop laughing at the back! We cant all afford to fly south to fry or boil.

 Finally up at 7am after waking at four. The fire bucket was well beyond my 2kg lifting limit this morning. Three visits before 2am. I was being flippant yesterday. By consuming a small beer with dinner. Before throwing caution to the wind and having a coffee as well. That was well beyond the supposed deadline for any liquid refreshment.  

 I shall have a tootle in the Morris to see my friend. A cycle ride of this distance would be a little premature. Particularly with the Brooks B67 saddle fitted.

 12.15 78F/26C and full sun! Returned from my visit. We sat outside and were entertained by blue damsel flies and Wagtails feeding their young. The countryside and gardens have never been more lovely. With many shrubs and trees looking their best. Particularly the red forms of beech. Which darken over the summer. I passed a long, variegated red, beech hedge bordering a farmhouse lawn.

 New cycle paths are completed along both sides of a long straight. Where the traffic tends to speed. I shopped for essentials on the way home. The Morris responded well to a lowering of the tire pressures to 30PSI or 2Bar. Before that it felt like a roller skate with square wheels on many surfaces. 

 I have been catching up on the laundry and washing up. Lazy git! I also had to replace the compact fluorescent bulb in the little aquarium. It started flickering. I could see no way to remove the tank's lid. So I had to remove eight tiny cross-head screws over the open water. Luckily I had a spare, tiny LED bulb with the E27 thread. 

 My days are spent wandering around the living room with a tape measure. Trying to work out where a larger tank could go. I have grown fond of the two goldfish [Bill&Ben] as they doubled in size in a week. Cleaning the sponge in the internal, power filter restored the flow. The fish were given names by my visitor. To reflect all my activities with my large, indoor plants. Aka: Flower Pot Man.

 Dinner was poached eggs on toast. I was sensible and had only a small apple juice afterwards. No beer or coffee.





25 Jun 2024

25.06.2024 Attack of the rosebay willowherbs!


  Tuesday 25th 57F/14C. Bright. A sunny day peaking at 23C/73F as more summery weather arrives at last.

 Up at 5.45 after waking an hour earlier. My sleep patterns are disrupted by daytime naps. If I didn't nap I'd repeatedly fall asleep at the computer. 

 I keep on, keeping on, with and about the Brooks B67 saddle. It is strange. It has reshaped itself, been laced, waxed and tensioned. Yet still it hurts. It seems to pinch my nether regions. It should be soft enough now to match my skeleton but still isn't remotely comfortable. I am no longer wearing my usual, padded racing shorts. Just thin trousers and pants. The shorts didn't seem to help. 

 Why do I continue to suffer when so many bikes sport cheap, padded vinyl saddles? A glance at the huge bike racks in Odense city showed a very high acceptance of padded vinyl. Regardless of bike design or the rider's posture. Thanks to the swept back handlebars I am now almost perfectly upright. So most of my [limited] weight is on the saddle. I am not overweight. A wide, padded vinyl saddle might be in my stars but choosing one would be a complete lottery.

 The Contec "Exclusive" touring saddle was far more comfortable from fading memory. The thick leather was solidly joined underneath. No lacing required. Had the frame not broken I would be riding it still. I found it impossible to obtain a replacement for the broken frame. Nobody stocked spares. I was shuttled around between the many Odense bike shops without any success. Contec Head office in Germany would not help. The supposed, Danish dealers listed on their website did not stock them. So I was not even given the option to buy another.

 The use of knitted carbon fiber is the latest fad. At an obscene price for big names. All of them are aimed at the weekend warrior. With his nose on the front tire and his bum in the air. Credit card always exposed to the headwind and slowing him/her down. None of those CF saddles I have seen online are broad enough for the relaxed, upright tourer.

 15.00 75F/24C! Bright sunshine. I have been very silly and made myself quite breathless. Pulling out rosebay willowherb stems. Most of them were taller than me and didn't want to let go! I was sick of the sight of them blocking the view of the desirable flowers. 

 Dinner was boiled potatoes with fish fingers and peas.




24 Jun 2024

24.06.2024 Another 20km on the e-bike.


  Monday 24th 56F/11C [6.30] Heavy overcast. Full sun from 9am and 21C/70F promised.

 Up at 4.30. I was wide awake before that. My arm is improving. Still swollen and slightly tender. No tiredness or breathlessness moving about indoors. I can even manage the stairs.

 I have almost finished my very first liter of low fat, 0.4% organic Mini-milk. After decades of consuming only organic light milk at 1.5% fat. I have milk on my porridge oats in the morning. Also instead of active yogurt on a banana at lunch time. I haven't noticed any difference in taste so far.

 I have completely cut out the chocolate biscuits with coffee after dinner. No more daily handful of crisps with my bread rolls for lunch. No more oven ready chips. I have no sugar in tea or coffee and haven't for probably half a century. No milk in tea and I usually have black coffee. The only time there was sugar in the house was for making Xmas cake. 

 I have cut down on butter on my bread rolls, or toast, to a mere scrape. Marmalade reduced to an egg spoon instead of a heaped teaspoon. My bread and bread rolls have always been whole grain. White bread disappeared from my diet forty years ago. A small tin of beer with dinner has been reduced from around 5 times a week to less than three. I don't usually consume any other kind of alcohol.

 7.10 The sun broke through. I have been sorting my six kinds of tablets into a daily dispenser. An expensive plastic strip with seven hinged flaps over pockets. Garbage design. Bought from the pharmacy for about £6 equivalent in olde money. The hinges don't last a week without becoming repeatedly unhinged. A bit like me really. I'd better have a walk before I start waffling and/or ranting again.

 My two kinds of tomato plants were simply grown from crushed, fresh cherry tomatoes out in the greenhouse. They were well watered during the initial growth phase. Now cutting back to only when necessary. 

 My advisor suggests I let them fight it out to find the strongest plants. Currently 35cm high above the soil in the almost, bucket sized pots. They are below the doubled shade nets. So  protected from direct sunshine. Raised off the floor to keep any ants, slugs and beetles at bay.

 7.45 Back from a shortened walk. My right leg was strangely wobbly. Perhaps the result of yesterday's ride. I was too warm in a thin jumper and light cotton jacket. The traffic was unusually heavy. I brought both wheely bins back at the same time. Aided by the gentle incline down to the house.

 11.00 67F/19C. I fell asleep for an hour to catch up. Not very clever! I ought to shop. Very tempted to go to the next village north by bike. Still 80% battery charge left after two rides. Sport and Turbo modes will take me anywhere. They have different supermarket chains with a wider choice. The panniers can cope.

 13.15 I returned from a 20km ride to the next shopping village to the north and back again. Never breathless but my legs were feeling strangely tired today. The Books B67 continues to cause pain. I no longer have any padded vinyl saddles to try. 

 The roads and cycle paths are affected by continuing district heating expansion. I have an appointment for further poking and prodding at the hospital later in the year. It seems they have discovered that I have oversized arteries dotted about my person. It must be all that cycling and hard physical work over the decades.  

 17.00 70F/21C. The first really warm and sunny day. It is expected to reach a high of 26C/79F on Thursday. The greenhouse, end doors have been open to keep it cooler out there. Usually below 80F/27C. The greenhouse sheltered doors and windows to the house remain shut. The indoors has been hovering around 69-70F/20-21C for some time.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast with halved, organic "cocktail" tomatoes. Whatever that means.




23 Jun 2024

23.06.2024 Semi-detached legs.


  Sunday 23rd 53F/12C. Bright overcast. Sunny periods and 18C/64F promised.

 Up at 5.30 after a slightly better night. My arm was not so painful but is still locally tender and swollen.

 6.30 Breakfast and then a walk.

 7.15-50 A walk in warm, bright sunshine. A hazy mist hung over the crops below the forest on the hill. The 7 miles distant radio tower was merely a dark silhouette. I safely reached my "beauty spot." Where I have taken landscape photographs almost every day for years. 

 My legs felt strangely detached today. Though I was not too short of breath on the gentle hills. While going up at a fair pace. Progress? I saw two birds of prey and heard lots of songbirds. The whole area grows more overgrown and shabby every day. Nature would and could take it all back in a few short years. Given free reign.

 8.10 60F/16C. Sunny and still. A shower first, morning coffee and then an e-bike ride I think. 

 10.00 Going for a gentle ride on the e-bike.

 11.30 Back from my ride. I met a nice English couple. Saw an ex-colleague. Did 18km. Taking it easy in Sport and Turbo mode and a low cadence. Never out of breath. Shopped briefly in the village on the way home. 

 15.00 Had a chat with my English friend online. Then took the recycling bins along the drive for collection tomorrow. I rechecked the distance on Google Earth. 2 Bins = 4 trips x 80m = 320m. It's all good exercise. Just slightly breathless. 

 Dinner was a cheese omelette with chicken. It looked a bit messy on the plate but was fine.





22 Jun 2024

22.06.2022 Registered blind Audi driver.


 Saturday 22nd 58F/14C. Thick mist clearing slowly, dark, heavy overcast and rain. A long grey, windy day with a 17C/64F maximum. Summer is promised next week. 

 Up at 5.40 after a difficult night. My forearm kept hurting and I was having confused dreams about my wife and parents. 

 The wrens continue to visit their nest under the shed roof overhang. A tireless toing and froing as long as it is light. I keep seeing their movements out of the corner of my eye. Usually both sexes feed the young. With 2, sometimes 3 broods per year. They seem to have been busy for months!

 8.00 I am going to try a walk again. If I get tired I can just turn around and come back. It isn't raining and wouldn't really matter if it was. Saturday traffic will be light this early. I'll wear my dayglo jacket.

 8.30 Returned from my walk. I reached the same turning point as yesterday. The distant landscape was still lost to thinning mist. My legs felt tired but my breathing was much more normal. It stayed dry until I was almost home. Then it tried to drizzle.

 A large Audi brushed past me with no oncoming traffic. I suppose you have to make allowances for the deluded-entitled. Who knows? It might have been just another drug dealer, money lender, people trafficker or pimp. Don't all these sociopaths drive large Audis to display their status in society?

 For reference I was wearing my wildly bright, yellow green, high visibility jacket. Probably visible from the moon or even beyond.  The Audi driver had hundreds of meters of clear road to spot me. Are the registered blind excused EU traffic laws? Thought so. I'll delete this rant if I find something more interesting to say. I didn't.

 I am thawing out some chicken breasts. Which I could not use in time. While my guest was here alone and I was in hospital. So I popped it into the freezer. It has been in the normal fridge compartment since yesterday. So should be thawed enough to slice now. Mushrooms again but with what? I have organic Fettuccine and organic tinned tomatoes for a sauce. Though I have curry sauce I don't feel like that today.

 I overdid the pasta and it was soggy. Then under-did the quantity of tinned tomatoes. Edible but not up to my usual standards.



21 Jun 2024

21.06.2024 Racism, ageism or ignoramusism?


  Friday 21st 51F/11C [5.45] Bright with fluffy little clouds. A sunny morning, then cloud. With rain this evening and tonight. Possibly heavy with thunder.

 Up at 5.15 after far too many visits to the fire bucket. No noticeable ill effects from yesterday's short ride. My right forearm continues to ache or burn at intervals. Painless at others. The discolouration has faded but some swelling remains. The lump in my groin is largely unchanged. Painless unless prodded. The discolouration down my thigh is fading more slowly. 

 I have an appointment for a follow up in a week. At the city hospital which carried out the procedure. So I shall try to survive for at least that long. I am not sure what my own doctor could do for me at this stage. I am loathe to take over-the-counter pain killers without expert advice. To avoid any conflicts with my current medication.

 6.00  A longer walk is indicated but breakfast first.    

7.25 Well, that was disappointing. I barely made it 300m along the road before I had to abandon my walk. I had no energy beyond a septuagenarian shuffle. Having to escape to the verge, despite the lack of oncoming traffic, was not conducive to continuance. The 1.5m rule belonging only to those who can drive and chew gum simultaneously. Seemingly a rarity in these here parts. 

 It is odd how a 7-axle lorry can easily give me a wide berth but commuters will not even alter their trajectory. Perhaps I should sport an action cam on top of my head? If only as a deterrent. I wonder if these cameras can do flash? That might give them pause. Though I doubt it. You can take an ass to wisdom but you can't make it think.

 I examined the tree planting scheme on the neighbour's new drive through my binoculars. To save myself the effort of going any closer. All the saplings have come into fledgling leaf and seem to be of mixed species. One can but hope for rapid obscuration of Scrapman's hideous eyesores. 

 8.00 Overcast. I need a nap before morning coffee.

 14.00 Despite a morning nap I can't keep my eyes open. I ought to shop. Or place an order online. I could probably manage to reach the village in the Morris. Use a trolley to avoid carrying anything. Even to the car. I have just made myself breathless walking out to the kitchen. Then watering all the plants! 

 15.00 67F/19C. Overcast and humid. Returned from the supermarket in the village. The useless place had no tokens for the shopping trolleys and I had no coins. They wouldn't lend me a 10kr coin [£1] at the checkout.  I needed a trolley to avoid lifting and carrying. This was despite my telling the always miserable, middle aged, couldn't give a shit, checkout operator. That I'd just had a heart operation. Racism or ageism? Village idiotism? It has a very long history locally. They used to burn non-Danes at the local Coop! They had a sign over the door until it closed down: "Here be dragons!"

 So I had to drag a wheeled basket around and then right out to the car. Which is strictly forbidden! I have been shopping there since they opened. Now they are expanding. Still with the same ignorant staff and oaf of a manager? We'll see. He might be moved up or down with any luck. 

 They can't even keep stocks of their "own label" items half the time. They routinely block access to the only cycle rack with pallets of goods. A huge, outdoor, badly broken umbrella had spikes sticking out at customer eye level for weeks! The whole thing moving about in the wind. Making avoidance of the spikes a serious problem. They took no notice of my warning of the dangers. Complete and total disinterest!

 The staff and manager don't give a damn about blocking alleyways with trolleys and pallets when they are shelf filling. Too ignorant to realise their own drooling idiocy. Is inconveniencing, or physically endangering. The very shoppers who pay their wages!

 The handle on one door of their upright egg fridge has been missing for years! So the other door has to be opened first and then shoppers risk getting their hand trapped between the hinged, sprung, twin doors. As other customers must squeeze past at a deliberate pinch point at the special offers display. Several handles on the sliding freezer cabinets are missing too. So one can only use friction to open them to access the frozen goods for sale. I am tired, irritated and headachy now. 

 Dinner was eggs, mushrooms and baked beans. Helped along with a buttered bread roll, spread thinly. I should have made a cheese and mushroom omelette but it didn't occur to me at the time. The eggs were perfect. I know how to get them right now.



20 Jun 2024

20.06.2024 Out and about.


  Thursday 20th 52F/11C [6.45] Sunny and bright. Some cloud is also likely as it peaks at 17C/62F. 

Up at 6am after waking at 4.30. My forearm continues to ache. Quite painfully at times. Though I am walking about quite normally this morning so far. I haven't noticed the automatic limiters engaging yet. The end of the drive should be within reach at 200m each way. What if I run out of steam? It would be silly to make it a one way trip! 

 I see the mentally religious dictatorship in The Southern Colonies want to erect some outdated moral guidance in every classroom. Leaving aside the considerable cost.. will these stone tablets be protected by bullet proof glass? Just askin'. 


7.45 Returned from a steady stroll to the far end of the drive in bright sunshine. No ill effects. The birds in the garden were all singing loudly. Lots of large lorries passing by on the road. The Cotoneaster was looking even more spectacular in the early sunshine.

 12.00 My e-bike is so effortless that I have decided to ride to the village. Off we jolly well go. 

 13.30 I have returned from my visit to the lady in the village. Thereby reciprocating her earlier visits to Chez Hovel. Precisely as expected, the effortless nature of riding on the e-bike made it completely without drama. I used Sport Mode on the flat and Turbo on the hills. Using low pedal cadence to avoid stressing my plumbing repairs. 

 If I do not soon discover how to switch on my washing up bowl. I shall quite probably starve. No visible on/off switch, cable, battery cover or remote control. Not even a drawer for the detergent! I had better check YouTube for basic operation. It surely can't be that difficult. My stock of clean crockery and cutlery is utterly depleted.   

 Dinner was beans on toast. I was so exhausted by the washing up. That I hadn't the strength [of will] to cook a proper meal. 



19 Jun 2024

19.06.2024 Another rant. 🙄


  Wednesday 19th 54F/12 [7am] Bright overcast with a heavy dew. Some sunshine promised and arriving. 16C maximum today.

 Finally up at 6.15 after waking at 5am. My right arm is still aching and bruised. I am trying to avoid lifting the kettle with that arm. 70F/21C indoors but I keep feeling cold. Despite wearing fleece trousers, t-shirt and jumper. I had to don my down sweater while sitting at the computer last night. 

 The old 3m square garden pond. Which I dug by hand in the SW corner. Had been in very deep shade for two decades. The prostrate yews love the increased light levels from my felling the vast  horse chestnut.

 I am moving about indoors much more normally and comfortably. No breathlessness so far this morning. Even though I ventured upstairs for another jumper. I might take a gentle stroll along the drive. Just to have a break from emergent cabin fever.

 9.15 I have been for a walk around the garden before heading along the drive.  No real problems. Perhaps feeling a little tired. My right forearm arm ached continuously. I took a few pictures of flowers. Nature is advancing on all sides but I can't retaliate. Not even to pull out a blade of grass. Despite this I am actually quite pleased with my progress. From becoming breathless due to standing up. To [slowly] walking several hundred meters. After only a couple of days.

 11.30 Sunshine. I just had a phone call inviting me to a rehabilitation course at a rather distant hospital 45km away. I declined as I am not yet fit enough to drive to today's arrangement. Particularly at such short notice. It provides fitness assessment, training and dietary advice. Obviously all subjects of interest to me at this time. Though somewhat premature until I have fully recovered from surgery. I will receive a further invitation online.

 News: It seems 120 charging stations for electric bikes are to be erected around Denmark. 12 million Kroner to be subsidized by the EU/TAXPAYER. Abut a million quid in real money! 🙄 

 Off the top of my head I might have suggested multiple, weatherproof chargers. To be compulsorily fitted as standard outside all supermarkets at their bike racks. But what do I know? I am only a keen electric cyclist/tourist. How will they provide for non standard plugs/voltages on many bikes? Will they have fire extinguishers and or sprinklers for all the illegal Chinese imports? Like the stylish "Spontaneous Combustion Pro," etc?

 Perfectly in keeping with this nonsense it seems they put somebody with a PHD in advanced virtual communications, media technology and gender inclusion studies in charge of making links to news stories on DR. 🙄


A rough translation: https://www.dr.dk/news/latest/from-frederikshavn-to-tønder-to-køge-charging stands-for-electricbicycles-on-the-way.

 Another Rant/ Just Stop Oil Protestors have been vandalizing Stonehenge with harmless, cornflower based, powder paint. Raising the hackles of assorted interested parties. It seems the stones are covered in prehistoric markings but the archeologists haven't been arsed to record them. Let alone publish their findings. 

 The great stones were taken down and re-erected during earlier archeological digs. So they have been manhandled and generally messed about with for centuries. More of a facsimile than an original historical monument. I have a plywood Stradivirus [sic] violin just like that.

 No doubt a few local vicars have had a tasty bit of stonework installed in their churches. Then the local builders and landowners needed free stone for their sprawling monuments to greed and slavery. Nearby Avebury can attest to this criminal habit. The ancient stones were subjected to fire and then dousing. To break them up into useful chunks. \Rant

 A lady from the village dropped by for a chat for three hours. We hardly drew breath as we discussed anything and everything in English. I kept losing my voice.

 Dinner was salad with tuna and boiled eggs.



18 Jun 2024

18.06.2024 Home again, home again.


  Tuesday 18th 55F/13C. Bright overcast. Some sunshine is promised. With a high of 18C.

 Up at 5.15 after lying awake and an excess of topping up the fire bucket during the night. My right forearm is a bit tender and still discoloured. Though without the "wow" factor as the purple/black slowly fades. I am still constipated. Probably by the lack/loss of food mid-week. Though it may have been the morphine or other pain killers. 

 Do not for a moment assume that I am complaining. Far from it. A few, minor setbacks are but a small price to pay. For the exemplary treatment and wonderful care I have received. The physical burden on my aging body. From three hours on the operating table and assorted powerful drugs. Were inevitably going to be a factor in my recovery.

 My English friend has kindly offered to take me to the city hospital. Then drive the Morris back here. With my role merely riding shotgun. I really should not be driving yet. To give my battered body time to heal. 

 My visitor, home sitter, organizer and carer will be returning home on the train and will travel with us. To be dropped off at the station by my friend's wife. Before returning here to take him home in their own car. I know. It's complicated. My friend's wife has to be at work in the city at lunch time. It takes time to travel the multiple distances involved in traffic. I am most grateful for all their efforts. To help me overcome my depleted energy levels and continuing fragility. 

 The Morris was accumulating considerable parking fees at the hospital. Once my "free" initial 24 hours was used up last Monday. The parking company has yet to respond to my email requesting clarification. I did not dare risk leaving the Morris at the top of the parking tower. Unattended but out of public oversight. Albeit at no cost in parking fees. A poor option for long stay patients IMO. It was impossible to reach the hospital by bus. At the very early hour of my first appointment of over a week ago. At that point I could not possibly foresee the mounting costs. As I went from initial examination to emergency surgery!

 8.40 We are both ready to leave if needed. I had a shower but it was very painful. My right arm complained under the slightest load. My extensive bruising returned to full "Technicolor" once wet. A lop-sided pair of boxer shorts in near black. I have moved the old car out of the way. To allow room for the Morris. Though I would not have wanted to drive very far. 

 12.00 My friend has just left in his own car. After driving the Morris home with myself as passenger. My guest has just confirmed her train is leaving for home too.

 Dinner was mackerel on toast with halved tomatoes. Followed by more blueberries.


17 Jun 2024

17.06.2024 Please form an orderly queue?


   Monday 17th 57F/14C [7.00] The sun is rising over the absent neighbour's trees and hedges. Mostly sunny periods today and 17C. They are dropping like flies elsewhere due to heat stroke. While here the temperatures are struggling to get off their knees.

 Cotoneaster "salicifolia" with the superb, dark elder just behind it. Both in flower.

 Up at 5.50. I have some pain in my right forearm, shoulder and groin. My forearm was slightly more swollen last night. Probably due to trying to do too much during the day. The purple bruising is only slowly fading. The daft old devil keeps getting up from his chair as he always has. Needs an update and reboot. He'll be alright.

 I have ordered my new medicines on the phone and they will be delivered by the local pharmacy. This will avoid my having to fire up the old car. Saving me a further day of effort but increasing boredom. I have increasing cabin fever. Reaching the post box was a new record for distance. It left me breathless. It is only 20m from the door.  

 After the cheerful, friendly and helpful pharmacy driver had left. I had another visitor for a couple of hours. She brought fresh, raw honey and a good sense of humour. She has a wide knowledge of the area and lots of contacts. No doubt I shall be seeing her again.

Dinner was fish fingers freed of their breadcrumb coating. Plus a salad including cold, boiled potatoes, cold, boiled broccoli stems, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes. Pudding was more blueberries. All washed down with a non-alcoholic pilsner. 



16 Jun 2024

16.06.2024 A really bad case of Quink!


  Sunday 16th 57F/14C. Bright overcast with the sun bursting through. I woke at 5am. Then watched the minute hand crawl around to 5.40. Before I and my bladder, finally ran out of patience. 

 The first shuffle to the distant bathroom was accomplished at a fairly modest pace. I had previously calculated that my plastic fire bucket would not exceed my strict 2kg allowance. It had, after all, only been abused twice in the night. I ignored the disheveled hulk in the bathroom mirror. As I pulled the tissue stopper. Which had averted yet another bloodbath from my right nostril. On the previous evening. The last of numerous attempts before I had even dared to lie down.

 From the bathroom I swung back through the kitchen. To struggle mightily with the formidable load of the stainless steel kettle. Some personal sacrifices must always be made. To achieve lift off and the first coffee of the day. In my defense I needed something and preferably soon. Just to wash down the six tablets awaiting me on the bedside table. You may take my solemn word for it. The local tap water does not improve with age!

 I settled down to my familiar routine of checking emails. Answering those I still felt strong enough to manage. The weekend news websites were typically shallow and strewn with the detritus of sport. The weather chart diluted by coming rain.

 7.45. I have hardly moved. Save for the routine of tea making and the saturation of my homemade muesli with low fat milk. Even lower fat Mini-Milk will be on the shopping list henceforth. Muesli is a posh term for porridge oats from a brown, paper bag. Organic brown of course. As are the currants sprinkled on to the heap and thoroughly mixed in. No doubt the produce of child labour. In some forsaken hole south of The Line of Human Conscience. Usually referred to as "The Med." Thus far and no more. Lest thine eyes and thy nose, doth offend thee. 

 8.00 The sun has given up the struggle for the moment. I await the return of my guest. From her lofty retreat in the attic. Now so clear of the debris of a lifetime. That the oriental carpet may be admired in full. Without so much as a stack of assorted, vintage boxes. Interfering with one's clear view to the horizon. Of the acreage available for cavorting to music and other mayhem. Should one so wish and still have the capacity for the same. 

 I myself can no longer manage the stairs. At least, not without a mobile resuscitator tucked under my best arm. The other remaining locally painful and swollen. Now with a fetching, but fading shade, of Parker-Quink's Best Blue-Black. My nether regions remain firmly stained however. As if a full bottle of the literary lubricant had been dropped inadvertently into my groin. Modesty prevents my sharing this decorative ornament in my typical, pictorial form.

 My usual solitude is to be broken further later. By the promise of a glass of home-made honey. Carried here by a good lady of this parish. Whom resides not one kilometer from Chez Hovel. Her accent harking back to the halcyon days. When Blighty once claimed to have mastery over The Colonies. I am almost sure this will not lead to quite unnecessary acrimony. Having simply promised myself. Never to mention tea.

 8.30 My family visitor has arisen. Complained as to the hour. Then retreated to her lair. Whom am I to complain? She had fed the fish and brought the light. One can ask no more of a volunteer. 

 Next I shall make up a tentative shopping list. One based on the still vague belief that I shall be able to drive into the village. Then push the young[er] lady out. Armed with an extra shopping bag. While I rest from the labours of gear changing. While avoiding poorly skilled, local drivers. 

 The old car remains a bit of an unknown at this point. Having not been started, let alone driven, for probably some weeks. A new battery had been inserted in our recent history. So all might still be well. It had better not break down! My insurance company will surely expel me. For yet another call out. The old car really has to go. It will no longer be required for its habitual, trailer towing duties.

 The Morris has been promised a rescue mission from the city hospital car park. Where it has been accumulating painful, hourly expense. My English friend will have his car available. Once his wife returns from work on Monday. He will ferry my visitor and myself to the city. Then follow us home. Just to be sure of our reaching our destination. My health, strength and stamina remaining debatable qualities and quantities at this difficult time. Unfortunately my guest of the last week has never learned to drive. She will be riding shotgun. Just to ensure I retain a semblance of what is loosely referred to as "being in control."

 9.10. More sunshine. In a fit of arrested development I made myself morning coffee and marmalade coated, toasted rolls. An arduous task where heavy kettles and full jam jars are concerned. I almost missed the mug with the coffee powder! My aim having become somewhat compromised as of late. I had felt the need to gently push my own boundaries. To test my race fitness on the day. I have concluded that Pogacar has little to fear from me in the mountains.

 There followed a wallow in the sits bath as I had my first shower in days. Talk about shock and awe! Every splodge and sheet of purple bruising instantly turned to black! It was still good to feel clean again.

  Then I made an online order for some groceries from the local supermarket. Just to stock up on the daily fare. It saved my having to drive. Even if I didn't have to physically shop. The order was accepted and delivered in short time. Excellent service!

 12.45 Time for a spot of lunch. Or at least the quiet contemplation of a healthy one. I am still confused whether Extra-Mature Cheddar lies safely to the west. Of acceptable fodder for the recovering heart patient. Honey is laden with sugar but... My usual jam falls under the same banner. 

 I had better consult the dietary advice booklet. Though I have probably been doing it all wrong for years! I might even go with sardines or mackerel on toast for a bit of novelty. Then worry about dinner later. I was delighted to discover that both my usual bread rolls and sliced bread are all confirmed full corn by the little brown symbol. Then heard on YouTube. That they cheat  and can still call it "whole grain." Even if they take the vital husks [bran] out. Thereby denying the consumer of vital pre-biotic fiber for the gut. So they can sell worthless pro-biotic yogurt to the same health conscious numpties.

 Cold sardines on toast were scrumptious. Followed by a banana with a little low fat milk and a cup of black tea. My latest trick is to use a smaller plate. To make meals seem more generous. I was fortunate to find some pretty blue plates in a bottom cupboard in the kitchen.   

 8.00 Raining. Dinner was chicken with broccoli and boiled potatoes. No salt or butter involved. Followed by an organic apple juice and a few blueberries. Kindly produced and served by my guest.

 The Morris will now be fetched from the hospital on Tuesday by a good friend. While my visitor will be delivered direct to the city station. This will save me straining anything unnecessarily during my slow recovery. I am in no pain but breathless after shuffling only a few yards indoors. There is still some local pain, discolouration and swelling in my right forearm.




15 Jun 2024

15.06.2024 Recuperation begins.


 Saturday 15th I spent the day in an armchair recuperating. Too weak to walk around indoors.

 I lit the stove. When 20C wasn't warm enough but found that 23C was too warm. Recovery will be slower than I hoped. 

 Apart from my house sitting/nursing/cooking guest I had two other visitors this afternoon.  It has been an exhausting day!

 My visitor whipped up a fluffy, cheese omelette and salad. While I struggled through the evening with yet another nose bleed.




14 Jun 2024

11-14th Missing in action!


  Friday 14th. Returned to base. [Home] 

 Tuesday morning, at 2am: I woke with agonizing pain across my upper chest. After a while I decided to call an ambulance as instructed. After hasty collection of clothes [and my mobile phone] into a handy shopping bag. I was whipped away to a first hospital 40km away. Blue lights flashing all the way. With sirens as needed. I had completely forgotten any of my multiple pairs of supermarket bought glasses. Which made life unnecessarily difficult in the coming days!

 Shortly after being assessed by two gorgeous, young lady doctors. Does morphine usually have this effect? I was sent onto the main hospital in the city. Where I had been given the initial examination on Monday. More hurtling along the motorway with blue flashing lights and sirens. Meanwhile I was being topped up with more morphine for the intense pain. 

 The first evening there was punctuated by vomiting. I couldn't keep anything down. No water, tablets or food. This dangerous situation was overcome by simple, white poly bags. Attached to white, plastic trumpet flares. These saved me from liberally decorating the scenery. Which would have been unforgivable. As they were all taking such good care of me. I did not want to add to their labours.

 Next morning, Wednesday, I was in much better shape. I had some tasty porridge oats in milk and black coffee. I was tested repeatedly for assorted signs of life. Meanwhile multiple electrodes attached to my chest had six [?] cables leading to a data box in a bag. This was provided with a loop of ribbon for easier carrying around the wards and corridors. Plus the inevitable visits to the toilet. 

 I should warn you that time runs at half speed in hospitals. My blood pressure was taken with a sleeve and a machine on a  pole with castors. Likewise with blood test at irregular intervals. The nurses voluntarily attempted to speak English with varied success. Often improving rapidly with the slightest practice. I always praised their efforts and was always generous in my praise and thanks. 

 It was decided that I should be "repaired" that afternoon. I had two badly occluded arteries. One actually blocked. Which were supposed to be feeding vital blood to my heart. I was still in severe pain over my heart and my back on the same, left side. 

 After a brief, verbal recording of the coming procedures. By the strikingly attractive, lady surgeon. It all began. The surgeons decided to go in simultaneously via my wrist and groin. Local anesthetics protected me completely from the coming mechanical operations. Insertion tools for the catheters were inserted into suitable arteries. For the long trip up to my shoulder and across to my heart. 

 I was liberally covered in plastic sheets and presumably extra radiation protection. The least of my worries at that point. My view of the surgeons was largely blocked by a special, semi-transparent screen. I was aware only of two dark shapes moving about. It was impossible to identify whom they might be.

 A large TV screen showed my heart and all its plumbing. As a large x-ray head moved back and forth and rotated around my center of gravity. So-called, contrast fluid being injected as needed. The operating table moved, often jerkily, at intervals. To centre the view or to provide another viewing angle. There was no obvious pain, at all, from all of their highly skilled efforts on my behalf. Only some sense of movement within my upper arm.

 This went on for three, whole hours. As they fought to open the blocked arteries with ever larger, sausage balloons. At least this was my impression from the ever increasing sizes being quoted in the background. The intense pain in my chest persisted. With my back hurting even more! As I desperately tried to writhe without the slightest physical movement. In a vain attempt to reduce my horrible back pain. 

 Then my left cheek suddenly started to tickle from the cooling breeze of the passing, x-ray head. So I began to concentrate on the tickle. Too afraid to move in case I spoilt their work. On occasion I was asked, in English, how I was doing. To which I answered "I am still here." The surgeon responded with an amusing "so are we!" A lady surgeon came around the operating table to check on me now and then. Which was comforting. I hadn't seen a face in what seemed like hours. As the support staff had largely retreated to the edges of the room. Presumably to avoid radiation overdoses.

 Inevitably it all, finally, came to an end. I was generous in my bilingual gratitude to all involved. Their level of skill leaves me without adequate words. They had used 15 balloons and inserted four stents. This involved a lot of what sounded like mechanical ratcheting and sudden loud bangs. As the high inflation pressures were let off. I am largely guessing here. The nearest I could imagine was an industrial stapler or pop-riveter on steroids. I never saw the actual equipment involved. Having been too afraid to watch any YT videos of this part of the operation before the event.

 Then I was wheeled back to my large, solo room with its own toilet cubicle. My right forearm started to swell and take on an expanding cloud of violet. It became ever more painful above the twin, inflatable bracelets. Intended to stop my arteries from redecorating the room. A tasty contrast, to the golden, surgical cleansing fluid. Which was adding highlights around the edges. A royal flush!

 After that I was checked at frequent intervals by the lovely, highly skilled nurses. I was still suffering from fleeting pain over my heart and behind it. Being very afraid that it would worsen. So that I'd and I'd have to be taken back for more repairs. Or the easier way out. To take the journey down to the morgue. 

 Fortunately the pain slowly subsided. So that I could concentrate on whether my right arm would burst before it actually turned completely black. Again, neither occurred. So I edged slowly towards accepting my treatment had been a complete success. 

  The following day I was ambulanced back to the furthest hospital from home. Where I joined two others in a larger room. There started the strangest relationship between one other patient and myself. He was an ex-soldier and self-proclaimed alcoholic. Living year round in a caravan. A near-spherical, rough diamond with a huge, shaggy beard. We shared the same sense of humour and matching intelligence.

 As clear cut a case of walking PTSD as one could possibly wish for. He was absolutely determined that he never slept for days on end. Despite my own clear witness to the contrary. He had been a sergeant and still crippled by the pain and misery he had seen while serving in Yugoslavia and elsewhere. His sense of guilt could be measured on the Richter scale.

 His command of English was absolutely phenomenal! We talked for hours. As I tried to explain away his mental symptoms. With my completely "amateur night" psychotherapy. He smoked rather heavily and had all sorts of ruses. To escape detection but leaving room smelling strongly of tobacco. I was happy to forgive him his escapades and found it amusing. His supposedly secret smoking breaks were anything but.

The two us spent the evening monitoring our oldest trio member. For repeated oxygen mask removal in his sleep. The octogenarian was clearly unhappy with the mask and constantly tried to lift it clear. Then he stopped breathing completely. We watched for a few second before calling the nurse. The screens went up as she worked. With other nurses looking in briefly to check progress. 

 Eventually the screens were removed. To reveal our third partner was still living but continuing to take rapid, shallow breaths. His lung were filled with fluid. The "pilot's" oxygen mask had been replaced with a nostril feed on a clear plastic hose. This had solved the mask removal problem and he seemed much more relaxed. The flailing arm movements had desisted. His night demons had simultaneously vanished.

 Meanwhile the remaining two prisoners pretended to sleep. As we talked late into the early hours. My companion was shocked to learn that he coughed continuously while asleep. This was an astounding revelation to him. [His own words!] He had been absolutely certain he was awake all of the time. Up to that point he had refused a sleeping tablet. Only to accept it in the middle of the night. From the Norse male nurse. Though strictly on an a trial basis.

 Hours later my rotund new friend woke from three hours of uninterrupted sleep. To find our third member sitting naked and bolt upright in bed. As the nurses prepared him for the ambulance journey. To have his heart plumbing checked in the city hospital from which I had returned. 

 This only added the confusion of the sergeant. There was much talk of his having entered a parallel universe. While I attempted to ease his fears and blamed the "horse tranquilizer." Which he had reluctantly taken in the night. He went off muttering. To find some food and have a first, surreptitious smoke of the day.

 After further testing and my wandering the corridor in short steps and [very] slow motion I was eventually discharged. I sat outside our room while waiting for the sergeant's return. From having his leg circulation checks downstairs. We shook hands and then spontaneously hugged. I sincerely hope he survives his physical injuries and learns to calm his demons. His company was a revelation in itself. I had learned that no matter how bad things may seem. Countless others are suffering on a whole new level. 

 To the casual or uninterested eye a hospital is pure chaos. Yet its team of highly skilled and knowledgeable workers. Are carrying out their tasks to a routine which must closely match the exact needs of the constant supply of patients. 

 There is an unseen demand system for small items via the nurses. Like a fresh towel or perhaps a cup of coffee. Which avoids the need to provide literally everything on site at every single bed. It felt bad asking for these "favours." When the nursing staff were so obviously busy. Yet always willing, smooth, calm and un-rushed. So I was probably being far too polite. At least by average "customer satisfaction" standards. Their often warm grins. As they left the room with a "your welcome" after competing such a humble task. Showed that they appreciated my rather formal thanks. Too many patents take such kindnesses as an expected part of the service. 

 My brief stay in two hospitals showed clear differences. Yet both functioned as well-oiled machines. I was suitably impressed and tried to limit my own burden on their busy working day. I felt throughout that the "facade" of kind, personal care provided was really very genuine. Each member of staff brought their own, unique personality and skills to the provision of their routine tasks. 

 Watching the effortless movements of well-rehearsed staff was truly a delight. Like watching a master craftsman rapidly produce a work of art. From only the very basic materials. Simply watching the girls cleaning the room or bathroom. Or completely stripping a bed for the next patient. Was really quite fascinating. Almost factory-like in their flawless, unconscious, repetitive actions. No wasted energy or time consuming repetition. It was all so remarkably efficient! Yet remaining safely human in touch, communication and instant feedback. No robots required. Nor remotely desired!



10 Jun 2024

10.06.2024 Failed the exam!


 Monday 10th I was up at 5.15 for a 6.30 drive to the hospital. The traffic was already solid. With lots of stops and starts. So I just made it in time. I had a warm and friendly reception from all the nurses. All practicing their English and enjoying it. All incredibly professional but with excellent communication skills throughout. Which helped me to relax and reduce my fears of the unknown.

 After changing into hospital ware I was walked into the operating theater. There was little pain involved beyond the initial, local anesthesia. I survived the procedure but failed the examination. Two blocked heart arteries. So I will probably need a stent and a heart bypass. The surgical team will have a conference and decide on the best way forwards. A heart bypass involves ten days in hospital!

 After a couple of hours managing the pressure on the wound, to aid healing, they arranged a shared taxi home. So I left the Morris in a highly visible car park overnight. I can bus back tomorrow to pick it up. There is a bus from the end of the drive which goes directly to the hospital. 

 As I was excused cooking. On the grounds of being walking wounded. My guest did the honours. A spiced salad with avocado, lettuce, carrots and cucumber. Aided and abetted by fried, boiled potatoes, mushrooms and home made spicy burgers with onions. All very tasty.


9 Jun 2024

9.06.2024 Gardez l'eau!


  Sunday 9th 50F/10C. [7am] Bright but no sunshine. A windy day with scattered showers. Some of which could be heavy and thundery with hail. That will help to wash the dust off the MM.

 Up at 6am. I think broccoli must be a diuretic. I filled one 5 gallon "fire" bucket by 2am and had to find another. It never occurred to me that I'd need a spare. 

 Staggering off to the bathroom in the middle of the night. While carrying a full bucket. Would have rather defeated the object. Of minimal disruption to my sleep patterns. Sadly, there are no handy windows. To practice my "gardez l'eau" on the Danish hedgehogs.. 😳

 Shopping again today. I need more tea. To last out Pootin's imminent invasion.  

 7.30 Still dry. I am going to risk a quick walk. Well brisk anyway. Rather than an actual trot. It may depend on the broccoli!

 8.00  I was quite breathless on the first gentle rise, but plodded on. As I settled into a pace where my breathing could remain controlled. It started raining just as I reached the lanes. The huge, leaden banks of clouds to the west were not reassuring. 

 Fortunately the light, Sunday traffic allowed me to walk back safely on the wrong side of the road. More sheltered from the driven rain, pattering on my jacket and cap, by the overhanging trees. Which roared overhead from the chilling gales. The road already carpeted in swathes of shredded, poplar leaves.

Cotoneaster Salicifolia in the foreground. Paired with a superb, black leafed elder with pink flowers. Both have been allowed to grow freely. They were once dwarfed and heavily shaded by the vast Thujopsis Dolobrata, conifer hedge. Which I removed to let the light in and to open up the views of the garden beyond.

 Lots of birds about today. With large flocks of sparrows dashing away. Angry crows sounding the alarm. For whatever their reasons. A male blackbird, with a pure white patch on its back, flew off too. A similar male blackbird, with a white patch on one wing, was once a resident of the area. Family resemblance? A solitary feline cat-walked along the edge of the road. Seemingly oblivious to the occasional, speeding car.

 10.00 56F/13C. Bright sunshine. Last bout of shopping. 

 11.15 Back from the shops. Sunshine and sometimes heavy showers. 

 14.15 I  awaiting my visitor. Who will keep an eye on me as I recover from tomorrow's procedure. There is a risk of bleeding from the artery where they fit the catheter sleeve. So patients aren't supposed to be left alone. Nor carry out any physical tasks. Which might increase the risks. I'll drive into the village to collect her from the bus stop in a while. The bus does not come this way.  

 Dinner was steak, mushrooms, peas and boiled potatoes. We shared cooking duties. An organic red wine and crême fraiche added to the glow.  



8 Jun 2024

8.06.2024 Be careful what you wish for!


  Saturday 8th 52F/11C. Bright overcast and windy. Rain expected all day. Half a month's worth according to the weather headlines. Up at 5.45 after a reasonable night. I woke up feeling nicely warm in my jumper. 63F/17C indoors.


 World headlines are about the Danish Prime Minister being physically attacked. Mette Frederiksen  is said to have been shoved hard by an [alleged] caveman. The [alleged] caveman is said to have deliberately approached the PM according to witnesses. This was while The Prime Minister was walking after attending an outdoor European election meeting in central Copenhagen. Two named witnesses spoke to the press about what they had seen. A private security company was supposed to be protecting the Prime Minister. No doubt backed up by official security staff behind the scenes.

 Violence against women is unforgivable. There are no valid excuses. None! Violence towards the democratically elected leader, of a peaceful country, doubly so. Anything which reduces democracy to violence from an [alleged] caveman. Is likely to cause a sea change in security. Poorer access to elected representatives. Reduced public freedom and reduced public safety. 

 Denmark was once the peaceful, democratic land. Where The Queen used to ride her bicycle around town. Alas there are far too many artificial chips. On far too many, fragile shoulders. To ever see that time again. 

 May those cowardly cavemen, who cheered on the attack, online. Rot in the hell. Of your very own making!


 8.00 I had to mow the lawn, the parking space and the drive. I couldn't leave it any longer and might never have the opportunity again. A large patch of rain was approaching on the radar. Which gave me just enough time to kill myself! 

 I set the mower high and discarded the collection box/bag. In my state I wouldn't have been able to tip a full bag of wet grass anyway. My chest hurt, I was breathless and weak. Probably my last, tragic effort to make the place remotely presentable. This is a very sad joke. Modesty prevents me from sharing the hideous truth! Not for nothing have I named my home Chez Hovel!

 Based on this performance, I am not remotely optimistic about my future. Reduced to being a doddering old fart. Living out his last days in isolated squalor. Unable to lift a finger for himself. Constantly burdened by his lifetime of memories.

 Regarding my torment about the parking at the hospital: The cost of even two days of parking, beyond my free day as a patient, is relative peanuts. About the same as a trip to the supermarket. I shall park the car as visibly and as near to the correct entrance, as possible. This might even save me from having the car stolen. Or vandalized in the parking tower. It will hopefully save me a walk too.

 The parking company must have some responsibility and a lot of cameras. For the security of the parked cars. Which they are being paid so handsomely to watch over. They use automatic vehicle registration plate readers. To monitor vehicles coming and going. Using their system to confirm correct payment for time spent stationary in the hospital grounds. As such, any criminals in vehicles, ought to be picked up by the plate registration system. The protection of the medical staff's own vehicles must be considered important too.

 8.20 I nipped [slowly] outside to take a few pictures of the flowers. There are a lot of rosebuds. It has just started raining. And may never stop.

 11.10  54F/12C. Overcast, blowing hard and raining. I lit the stove. It is still the same temperature as earlier but just too cold for comfort. I don't know why I was putting it off. It takes only a few moments to fetch some kindling and a few, thin logs from the greenhouse. A firelighter block soon gets the flames dancing. 

 The living room walls are all stabilized at the depressed air temperature. So will take a while to warm up. I can easily feel the warmth of the stove on my face now from yards away. The remote reading thermometer already goes off the scale on the stove window. Above 360C!

 There are yellow irises growing beside the old pond in the corner of the garden. The entire area had been in such deep shadow that nothing grew properly. This was before I removed the vast Horse chestnut. The prostrate yews against the fence are going mad in the increased light. Warblers are foraging in the willows behind them. 

 13.30 It has brightened up a little but rather windy. The room has now reached a more comfortable 67F/19C. The walls are all reading 20C/70F. Which greatly reduces my body's radiation to formerly cold surfaces. I still need to top up the larder.

 A 39 year old [alleged] caveman is due to appear in court. Expected to be remanded in custody for the [alleged] assault on the Prime Minister, Miss Mette Frederiksen. Who is said to have suffered a minor, whiplash injury. Leaders across the world have sent messages of sympathy to the popular, lady PM. The [alleged] caveman's appearance is being delayed by a shoplifting case.

 The defense hoped the case would be heard behind closed doors. Though the judge said there was far too much public interest. So the doors would remain open. Subject to certain reporting restrictions. The entire world's press is attentive! 

 The presence of an interpreter suggests the accused is not a Danish national. He pleads not guilty. The judge has ordered the accused name be withheld from publication and will monitor violations. Speculation as to motive, online, would not be helpful and might even be unlawful. 

 It is now widely reported that the PM's "attacker." Was [simply] a drunk and drugged Pole according to the police report. He is said to have recognized the PM before his "attack" and expressed a liking for her. He was remanded into custody for ten days.

 17.00 Returned from a quick trip to the supermarket in the village. I now have enough organic broccoli to see out a Russian invasion. At least I know what is for dinner tonight. Though I am not sure this is what they meant when we were told to "prepare."

 Dinner will be mushrooms, broccoli and boiled potatoes. It made a change from fish fingers. I pretended the mushrooms were the meat. It was washed down with a small organic apple juice. A tasteless organic avocado followed.  

