28 Dec 2021

28.12.2021 Black ice!


Tuesday 28th 32F, cold, windy and a leaden overcast. Back to the grey. About 50mm [2"] of snow still lying where it fell. The forecast is a for a slow warming over the next couple of days. Then a few degrees warmer on Thursday-Friday. Not much sign of the sun. It is going to feel cold on my walk.

Wrapped up in two heavy jumpers under my winter jacket I barely made it out of the door. The steps were covered in invisible, black ice. As was the entire length of the drive. Rough gravel had largely lost its powers of adhesion under my winter boots. I retreated to the snow banks on either side until I reached the safety of the road. All of which seemed to have been salted. Even the minor lanes. The traffic was very light.

As I approached the only roadside hedge in the lane it exploded with birds. Over a hundred Fieldfares, Redwings and smaller birds shot out to find refuge on the bowel-shaped field beyond. Small dark figures dotted the snow over a large area. All aligned with the easterly wind. 

As I plodded onward the birds gradually returned to their hedge. Presumably this popular field was lacking in nourishment this morning. Or it was inaccessible under the snow. True to form, the birds exploded from the hedge yet again. On my return leg only ten minutes later. A large, dark, bird of prey slunk off from its perch in a garden tree. The neighbour's dog barked unseen.

WW3 broke out at about 9.15. As the hunters, near and far, fired off their cannon. It continued sporadically until I had salted the steps. Before bringing in more fuel for the wood stove. Then escaped indoors from the cold wind. Though I had been far more comfortable than I had feared. Even opening up my jacket to cool off on the way back. 


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