20 Nov 2021

20.11.2021 Less than silent autumn turns to winter.


Saturday 20th 50F. Showers are promised as the mild temperatures cling on. As does the leaden overcast. 

The SW wind was unpleasant today. Particularly where the protective hedges were absent. I kept my hood up as usual in these circumstances. Leaves fell untidily across the road from the roadside trees. Nature's season of chaos is upon us.

The Redwings are back again. Winter visitors to northern Europe. They used to turn up in exposed and windswept trees in Gravely Blighted before moving on. They move constantly and nervously between the trees. 

Like thrushes, in general appearance. Though with red on the sides of the body. Particularly when their wings are raised. A distinctive pale eyebrow further distinguishes it from the song thrush.They can be quite noisy. Their distant cousins, the Fieldfares, are darker and greyer but similar in size and behaviour.

The leaden sky did my photography of a distant Redwing no favours. Or was it just a terrifying lack of skill?



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