13 Nov 2021

13.11.2021 COP-out 2.7C. Failure, Fiasco & Fucked.


Saturday 13th 43F,  leaden overcast with distant mist but almost calm. It tried to drizzle after my usual turning point. Traffic unusually light even for a Saturday.

Fossil fuels have a "nice little earner" going. The crooked politicooze pay them trillions in subsidies. The fossil fuel companies pay back a smidgen in tax-deductible, party support. Those who give shall receive. With compound interest. Fixed [corrupt] odds against CO2 reduction.

According to reports from the latest COP-out in Glasgow, both China and India are fighting the mere mention of phasing out of coal or fossil fuels in the final draft. Both countries suffer appalling air pollution. It is long overdue that a Carbon Tax was applied locally [i.e. nationally around the globe] to all imports from polluting countries. This is the only form of pressure to phase out fossil fuels they will understand.

Remember that any EV is utterly worthless at combating Climate Change if the charging is done from coal-fired, power stations. The car's own Total Carbon Footprint [manufacturing, materials and transport] has to be added to the charging. So an ICE car is arguably no worse in comparison with a shiny new EV. 

I had my first chance to examine a Tesla today. It was sitting in a supermarket car park. Beautifully designed and made but the cockpit appeared rather odd. The instrument panel was missing as seen through the side window. It looked blank except for the laptop screen in the middle of the dashboard. I presume the area beyond the steering wheel gets "busier" when the car is active. I am surprised they don't have a "heads up" display reflected in the windscreen. Speed, range and battery charge would be enough to be useful.


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