11 Nov 2021

11.11.2021 COP-out 2.7C on track to reach 2.4C+ and counting.


 Thursday 11th 48F, heavy overcast, thin mist. Light drizzle on my walk. Dull and miserable.

The US and China intend "to cooperate" on keeping global warming to 1.5C. Though without offering any specific details. The US has made no commitment to banning filthy ICE cars. Though it is using its massive, homeless reservoir. In its battle to reduce CO2 by over-consumption.

Lifetime dictator, Sly's very own, shit-show now produces more CO2 than all the other <cough> developed nations put together. Feel that air quality. Mmmm!

Toxic India wants to be be bribed to the tune of a trillion to reduce its chronic pollution and reliance on coal. Isn't that what is called blackmail, genocide and threatening behaviour? What tiny percentage of the trillion would ever reach "the climate front line" after a few "helping hands" have sent most of it off-shore?

Meanwhile, Australia continues to be handicapped by its corrupt, so-called leaders. The country is actually run by tax-free, mining bosses. But they allow a string of crooks to pretend they are really in charge. Provided, of course, they follow the crooked line. 

Meat production is decimating The Rain Forest. Meat production produces colossal quantities of methane. Farming produces lots of greenhouse gasses as unsuitable soils are cultivated. Industrial farming causes droughts and desertification. No mention of farming at COP-out 2.7C?  Of course not. It's a COP-out!



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