12 Jun 2021

12.06.2021 Pulitzer prize in the US. A fine in Denmark.


Saturday 12th 58-62F, overcast. It is supposed to be cooler over the weekend. 

Waoo internet is at 85Mbps today. Instead of the "guaranteed" 200Mbps. Their advertising suggests that they alone [amongst all other Danish ISPs] provide the service they advertise. Which I would call "false advertising" based on long, personal experience. BTW: I use Fast.com. An Internet speed test provided by Netflix. 

A wander down the road, snapping away at nothing in particular. Only now, at 9.00am, is it beginning to brighten. There were swallows and warblers everywhere. Lots of small, brown slugs too. The blossom is already beginning to turn brown.

We are being snowed under with flying Elm seeds. I thought there were no Elms left after the devastating disease but our local trees look fine.


A young person who filmed the George Floyd murder, by a white trash cop, has been given a Pulitzer Prize mention and reward for her bravery. Her film helped to ensure the guilty verdict of the racist cop.

Ironically, the young person would have to be very much braver in Denmark. Because she would have been prosecuted for sharing her film of a crime. Which is a criminal offence. With sanctions which may exceed those placed on the criminal. 

In Denmark, she would have had to approach Chauvin as he murdered Mr Floyd. To ask his permission to share her video! It goes without saying that she could not have obtained Mr Floyd's permission. Not without some considerable difficulty. Dare one suggest that her video must have made a greater impression on the jury than multiple, verbal witnesses?

The irony doesn't end there. When a terrorist crime takes place in Denmark, the police will canvas for relevant film on private security cameras in the area. The very same cameras which must [by law] be aimed to avoid all public spaces.  The Danish police would have to be convinced that a private, security camera helped to protect an area from repeated, violent crime. Before giving permission for a camera to be pointed at a public space.

In Denmark you can be prosecuted for filming the pavement outside your own shop, home or business premises. Even if it suffers from repeated thefts. Or threats from protection racketeers, or racists? The right to privacy, while committing a crime, is obviously[?] paramount.

There are countless YouTube videos, mostly from the US, where doorstep theft of parcels is rife. Pointing a camera at a public space in Denmark. Then sharing the proof of theft, online. Would attract the risk of a fine. The person with the camera must have asked the criminal for their permission to publish the film. 

The majority of Danes are in favour of more relaxed, security camera rules. Only now are the Danish police placing security cameras in public spaces to try and reduce criminal gang warfare in the streets.

Privacy law in Denmark - Wikipedia


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