30 Mar 2021

30.03.2021 Luddites? No. Leadites.


Tuesday 30th 43-58F, bright start with sunny periods promised. A walk to the lanes in variable sunshine. Not much to report. A wagtail and some sparrows.

Several news stories caught my eye this morning. "World <cough> leaders" are calling for better preparation for any new pandemic. 

My advice would be to seriously rethink how we elect world <cough> leaders. The bunch of moronic sociopaths who dropped, or hid the ball, for narcissistic reasons alone, has made the pandemic infinitely worse!

There is hardly any need to mention names. Even if the virus jumped from bats to mankind then Jinping fully deserves his lifelong title as Sly "Plague" Jinping. His willingness to hide a potential, global pandemic, just to save political face, was the major reason the virus escaped into a global crisis. 

The rest will be judged by history in how quickly they "closed down" their own countries to protect the population. I would have them judged by an international court, while still alive, for mass public endangerment. 

The UK alone could have saved 80% of completely unnecessary deaths. How? Boris The Circus Clown should have had closed down a week earlier. Instead of casting public doubt as to the very real dangers of the Jinping Plague. 

Chump and other fuckwits, are still causing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of completely unnecessary deaths. By being in denial, they show their total incompetence to hold office even as a street cleaner.

Perhaps a prosecution for "mass murder" is not going too far in some cases. Particularly for the supposedly elected fuckwits who still deny the existence of the plague. From Chump on downwards. That these deluded retards should even be listed for election is a crippling blow to mankind's progress. Their cult leader status is no more worthy than the bloody, tinpot dictators who still rule by some hereditary "right."

Biding is proving that he is as corrupt as Chump in his narrow, protectionist thinking. US big tech monopolies must be protected from normal national taxation?  Yet all others must suffer taxation? The threat of mass sanctions on supposedly US made goods? Most of which will be Chinese [slave] sourced anyway. How is that any different from US economic invasion by force?  

Petrolhead fuckwits have been deliberately blocking EV charging stations with their cancer causing vehicles. The lead in their fuel of choice must have damaged their brains. Along with the billions of others exposed to the toxins of burning, taxpayer subsidised oil. Yes, I know they dropped lead years ago. It was too heavy for the 1% to hide the harm they were doing for literally decades.

How does the blockers childish idiocy change the coming clean wave of transport? Ask the Chinese. Who already have far more electric vehicles than the rest of the world put together. Given the smog which hangs over their genocidal dictatorship they had little choice. A constant, dystopian smog was far too near the hideous truth. It could not be painted over with party propaganda whitewash. Besides, it hid the shiny new infrastructure from their political and economic slaves' choking admiration!


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