21 Mar 2021

21.03.2021 pootin cheats er-dog-an at caveman happiness trials. 73/93


Sunday 21st 38-42F, bright start but breezy. The usual culprits are battling it out over different forecasts. They can't both be right. So one must be [completely] wrong. It brightened up later.

A cold, northerly wind struggled against watery sunshine on my walk to the lanes. A solitary, small deer was resting against the far hedge, two fields over. I snapped away at various settings trying to make it less than invisible.

boris The Clown wants more nukes. He claims "russia" is a threat. WRONG! The threat is pootin the Bloody Awful and boris The Clown. boris couldn't even run a proper pandemic and he still wants to be <cough> putin <cough> charge of even more nukes? Seriously?

pootin is said to be apoplectic over his lifetime dictatorship's miserable ranking in the global happiness stakes. He has ordered his loyal sociopaths to beat up anyone looking unhappy in the street. Well, that should increase the number of mask wearers, if nothing else.

er-dog-an, The Tinpot Tribal Chief, has just signed an open license for wife beaters. That should help to increase national happiness. There are big plans for national TV to have live studio contests. To be called "Turkish Championships at Walking Into a Door." Intended for those "brave blokes" who can draw the most blood, out of a <cough> willing <cough> partner, against the clock. There is to be no lower age limit for "willing victims."

Supposedly <cough> male <cough> contestants will be required to wear sabre-toothed tiger, fur shorts. Plus the usual, large gold medallion and fighting cock spurs. To publicly prove their manhood and to ensure a fair beating of the inferior gender. Their "willing victims" will all be required to wear skimpy underwear, high heels and legal shackles. 

Discussions are ongoing whether a traditional "turkish delight" mask will hide the blood and bruising. Which would completely spoil the show for the expectedly vast <cough> male only audiences. With big prizes on offer, there are already lots of very public, practice sessions in the streets. 38% of Turkish women reporting [institutionalised] violence can't all be wrong. Can they?


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