A walk to the lanes and beyond under grey skies. On the return leg the low, grey cloud began to be blown away. Leaving a higher layer exposed of golden, fluffy clouds. The lower layer appeared to be moving much faster and at least 45° to the higher layer. Still no sun though. The rest of the morning and afternoon was smooth grey overcast.
A few more hours sorting out the trike shed. Much of my previous storage was more fresh air than solid objects. I have made a huge dent in the shelf storage space required. Simply by employing shallow storage tubs 10cm high instead of "normal" deep ones. I just wish they were easily stackable by reversing them end for end. It really ought to be a global standard for storage tubs. I was delighted to find odd bits and pieces which had long been missing.
I was able to lean on the wind as I came out from behind the hedge at the lip of a crater in the landscape. Then I scraped a bigger drainage dent in the verge to clear minor flooding. The entertainment is endless and free in the countryside.
Saturday 7th 43F, fairly clear but with rapidly moving small, dark clouds. Half past eight and it is almost light. Quite a cold wind as I walked to the far woods in a loop. Three different buzzards were circling tightly on the lookout for breakfast. Bright sunshine at first but soon clouded over.
Sunday 8th 44F, gales and rain. The wind speed, duration, rainfall and any sunny periods are all up for grabs. Depending entirely which forecaster you trust. I left later than usual for a chance to be buffeted by the gales. Misty rain added to the drama of roadside trees roaring overhead. The road was littered with twigs blown out of the hedges.
More cars followed. Robbing me of the excitement of walking in wilder weather. It's nice to have it confirmed that the Audi drunks can still drive [badly] this late in the morning. I'd have thought they'd be comatose by now.
Going back over 50 years, 14 out of 17 earlier, published, climate models hit the mark on temperature. The other three could not take into account small changes in policy due to later agreements at climate conferences.
New Green Denmark supposedly has plans for 650,000 electric vehicles on its roads by 2530. They will have to give them away free to achieve that level from the present pathetically low numbers. Of just over 10,000 EVs to 2.6 MILLION filthy vehicles. 0.003%. Wow! The previous right wing government destroyed EV sales overnight with massive import tax hikes. The gales eventually subsided and the rain gave up but I had very heavy shopping to catch up on in the car. There just isn't room on the trike for six huge bags too heavy to lift in pairs. My wife was dragging them along the hall carpet towards the kitchen as I carried each new one in.
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