29 Dec 2019

27.12.19 Lardy arsed, Coyote Morrison to give Oz volunteer firefighters free water!!


Friday 27th 35-37F, light NW breeze, dark overcast with both forecasters teasing on sunny periods again. It was 33F at bedtime so winter might be arriving at last. We have been stuck in the low 40sF for what seems like weeks.The sky is all but identical to the last few days. Just a hint of blue between clouds. The wind has gone around to the opposite direction. Though it didn't feel particularly cold on my walk. Two small deer were watching me from the next field over. Perhaps 4-500 yards away.

Late morning ride to the shops. Simultaneous, brief sunshine, light rain and light snow on the way back. Only 7 miles. Comfortable in my usual winter [recycled] cycling gear. The GripGrab two fingered mitts are superb in cold weather without the hindrance to dexterity of a normal mitt.

Saturday 28th 30-32F, hard white frost. Bright orange in the east behind thick cloud. The forecast is for yet another grey day. Still uniformly grey at 10.00 after a walk to the lanes. A solitary Redwing was foraging on the bare earth of a previously flooded field.

Lardy arsed holidaymaker, Coyote Morrison has buckled under his own the weight of Oz public opinion. The corp of volunteer [unpaid] firefighters, who have battled for months in record, 40C heat, are to get free water and toasted Koala sandwiches without charge. There is no mention of when they are to be allowed holidays, if ever. Any mention of free, winter coal was definitely "off the table." And any agreement with the firefighters is strictly for this year only. There was no mention of any of the the costs coming out of his $800,000 salary.

Morrison only returned from holidaying in Hawaii when two volunteer firefighters were killed by the wildfires. It could have been worse: If he had stayed at home for his hols he might have caused a catastrophic sea level rise every time he took a dip! The problem then was that his personal tsunamis would not have reached far enough inland to quench the fires.  Not to mention the risk of "Great White" headlines and images appearing in the Ozzy press.

Scott Morrison says Hawaii holiday was like taking 'that extra plumbing contract' on a Friday afternoon | Australia news | The Guardian

Sunday 29th 34F, another grey day is forecast. The was a cold wind so I was glad for the hood on my jacket. Very little wildlife about today and who can blame them?  Dark grey, cold and miserable again!


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