20 Dec 2019

20.12.19 Scotty beams back to firefight COZ on the front line.


Friday 20th 41F, dark grey overcast with 50 yard mist. Walked to the lanes in a chill wind. A small bird of prey was snuggling against a neighbour's smoking chimney. Probably a Hobby?

I thought it looked like a Sidney suburb on my walk. So here's a picture in sympathy with their plight. Talking of which:

Scott Morrison, this week's, token, Wizard of Oz, proves that the elite can always avoid a catastrophe. Just jump on a jet and go somewhere much cooler and where there is almost no risk of fire in winter. Nice work if you can get it. Does climate change affect air travel or vice versa? Ask Scott. He's a world expert on these matters.

All politicooze are experts on everything. Genuine Walking-Talking Solomon's to [mostly] a man. Just pop the batteries up their arses every four years and set them going. When the batteries run out they can rely on their fat, lifelong pensions. They never have to look back at their abject failures to make the world a better place. Pass the dogma sauce, please?

Now he's back in his smoggy, man-made Dystopia, Scott can commiserate with the families of the latest firefighting victims. And he can congratulate the murdering bastards who set the fires. So they can post their high art on the youtube, twatter or facebook advertising websites. That should increase their followers and hopefully their income. It must be awful being so mentally retarded that you can't get a job. Except as a graffiti artist, of course. Though there is always politics. No qualifications required apart from no jail time. That comes later.


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