29 Jul 2021

29.07.2021 The radar doesn't lie.


Thursday 29th 58F, cooler with gusty winds and a grey overcast. Light rain on the windows. The DMI radar looks as if we might have missed the worst, early morning deluge. 08.55 I gave up all hope of a normal walk as a cloudburst arrived. The DMI radar shows the bad weather is circling up from southern Jutland. With a worse blob due to arrive. That was at 09.00. 

The radar showed a break of half an hour so I headed off. Even enjoyed blue skies and sunshine. I stayed within shambling/walking distance. Just in case. There were several cloudbursts and/or downpours during the day.

Southern Europe is expected to swelter under a heat dome. 45C+ is threatened around the Med. The wildfire risk is off the chart. The latest IPCC report is due in early August. It might as well have been printed in invisible ink. There is too much dirty money tied up in dirty energy. Too many corrupt politicooze being bankrolled by the dirty energy sector.

The irony is that China is adding a new coal fired power station each week. Providing the vital energy to build nuclear weapons and more roads.  The rising [peasant] masses must be taught that private greed is good. As utterly predictable as it is routine. For every genocidal dictatorship [or limping democracy] relying on mass slavery for cheap labour. 

Nature abhors a monopoly as much as it does a vacuum. Political monopolies are hideously inefficient. Positive feedback leads to runaway corruption and colossal waste. The worst examples of crippling sociopathy rise inexorably though the ranks. To become the norm in all decision making. Without the vital controls of open dissent and a free press, Sly inevitably becomes the New Improved Hitler. 

The Emperor surrounds himself in brutal Yes-men. All on the make. Each desperate to outdo the others in their supposed, extremist ideals. To prove their untouchable power by fear of reprisal alone. The rest is the failed history of tottering human "civilisation." As it sinks beneath the rising waves. The same mistakes repeated endlessly. From invading a bigger cave. Purely for insatiable, personal greed. To final obscurity as a footnote in a tattered, archaeologist's textbook. 

A top-heavy hierarchy of deranged psychopaths. Riding on the bloody backs of a massive, individually-disposable, slave class. To prop up the obscenity of extreme wealth differentials. As if by some divine right. The control system, masquerading as laws, applies only [ever] to the lower orders. Generation after generation, since before pre-history and so on down along the well-trodden, deeply rutted, blood soaked path.



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