22 Jul 2021

22.07.2021 Seriously?


Thursday 22nd 57F, calm and cooler with a heavy overcast. We never did see any sun yesterday. Despite sunny periods being offered by both competitors.

A walk up to the woods. Returning by the direct route between crops and hedges. Not a good idea! Lots of brambles and thorny branches. A bird of prey soared over the fields looking for breakfast. Mutual admiration was absent. It didn't like the look of me.


Record rainfall around the world. Worse, is that it is very near to home now. Not happening to "somewhere foreign."

As the world descends into climate chaos the Russian gas pipeline 2 has been given the go-ahead. So now Pootin the Truly Bløødy Awful can leverage Europe at his every whim. 

Cold snap? Here comes Pootin. Lack of sunshine for the European solar farms? Pootin. The wind stops blowing? Pootin. What is Europe doing with Russian gas anyway as they pretend to downsize CO2? Guaranteed gas supplies for decades to come? Seriously?

 I was reading an article yesterday about the true fragility of China's economy and its depleted armed forces. Those not robust enough to withstand criticism, dissent, or even political opposition, are pirouetting on very thin ice. 

Satisfied that he has fully covered his tracks, Sly Plague" Jinping has denied access to the WHO team. Which wanted to further investigate the escape of the Covid Virus from the Wuhan, bat virus warfare, research lab. One of the original WHO team lied through his teeth about Wuhan never having bats. Nor that he had a relationship going back 15 years with the lab research leader. Wuhan lab staff were hospitalized with Covid months before the Chinese cover up.

"Tyranny for Dummies" is seriously outdated. There was no Internet when its countless pages were written in human blood on human skin. Tyranny is only ever about obsessive greed by a corrupt, sadistic sociopath. Never, anything else. If it looks like a multi-billionaire, genocidal  tyrant. Smells like a multi-billionaire, genocidal tyrant and behaves like a multi-billionaire, genocidal tyrant. Then Sly "Plague" Jinping is a multi-billionaire, genocidal tyrant.

An afternoon shopping ride for 14 miles. Mostly in a crosswind. Going well. I was the only one in the village wearing a mask. Several birds of prey were hunting over the roadside fields.


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