13 Jul 2021

13.07.2021 A better bit of mallow.


Tuesday 13th 74-78F. Cloudy but bright. Possible sunny periods. There was between the variable clouds.

A slightly later, warm walk to the lanes. Birdsong everywhere. Even a Chiffchaff. A blackbird in a roadside tree was particularly mellifluous. Fortunately the traffic was light. So he could be heard clearly. 

I spotted some white mallow on the verge. Rather striking against the darker nettles. A possible import with the soil. When the council built up the verge on a sharp corner. 

There was a deep ditch there before that. Cars would fall into it when they overshot. They never did finish the landscaping job and that was several years ago now. Not that it matters. It makes a beautiful foreground to the mixed tree planting now that the verge is well overgrown.

One of my neighbours was backing out onto a blind corner just as I approached. When a big motorbike came along at speed. Fortunately the rider manage to wriggle though the narrow gap unscathed. Truly remarkable reflexes! There are several houses with exits just after this same, lethal corner! The traffic just gets faster and faster over time. 

I hate walking around the inside of this bend. My hearing isn't good enough now to hear vehicles approaching from beyond the blind bend. There is nowhere to escape from the asphalt due to a high hedge right on the edge of the road! Lots of drivers throw away any hope of seeing more than  a fraction of their true braking distance. By driving with their wheels right on the inside of the corner. 


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