8 Apr 2021

8.04.2021 Tinpot, Turkish dictator flashes his glistered "micro-manhood" in EU musical chairs shame! 🤣


Thursday 8th 34F, bright start with light winds. Fluffy white clouds crossing from the north west. Another pig shit spreading day.

The wind was stronger than expected once I escaped the shelter of the garden. When I reached the lanes I disturbed a couple of geese. One took off and landed on top of what passes for a hill in these parts. Where it wandered around aimlessly keeping a wary eye on me. While its partner remained near the boggy copse wondering what he had said wrong. The traffic was like the old days on my way out. Then faded to almost nothing on the return journey. Most of the early commuters were women.

I had immediate access when I visited the Jinping Plague vaccine website this morning. The earliest appointments are a fortnight and 20km away in the city. 

It is reported that it took 13 hours to clear the entire pool of taxpayer funds for "energy saving improvements." Only the first 8,000 were successful. There were 40,000 applicants the moment the queue opened. Countless Danes wasted their lives away. Watching their computers for countless hours completely in vain. Because the computer system couldn't cope with more than a handful in the queue at a time. Two more, badly organised "online lotteries" will take place later in the year. Cut Danish CO2 by HOW MUCH by 2030?

The government has announced billions will be available for new motorways for the big cities. Cut CO2 by HOW MUCH by 2030? Yet more horror stories of trafficked, Eastern European "slaves" sleeping on the floor of shipping containers, on site? Probably. They'll be competing with the Eastern European slaves being trafficked for the Femern Crossing.

Talking of modern slavery: An interesting story in the global news. Google.advertising.con is so sociopathically greedy that it subcontracts its vital, server hall, equipment maintenance to very low paid workers with piss-poor conditions. We are talking <cough> wages, which an Amazon slave worker would sneer at. Which means that Google.advertising.con has openly admitted that it doesn't give a damn about our security. Nor the security of the internet. Nor the security of our private data. Anybody would think they were Facebook!

Google.advertising.YouTube.advertising.con now has so many adverts overlaid on "creators" videos that they now easily outnumber "real" videos in an average watching session. All of these adverts are aimed specifically and directly at the knuckle dragging, moronic, low IQ, educationally challenged, inbred, brain damaged, spectator sports fan, lower class, graffiti artist, social groups. [Or, just add any PC term of your own choice.] 😉

Exactly as expected of course. No self-respecting adult would ever condone giving up their valuable and increasingly limited, lifetime, waking hours. Just to watch such puerile, equivalent of projectile diarrhoea as an advert. Complete with "live" sound effect, voice overs direct from the lavatory. One day, advertising, without the formal permission of the potentially abused, will be treated as a serious crime against humanity. Since when was all advertising not subliminal?   

Jinping City now has 100 billionaire, slave drivers. It's official.

Did you see the tinpot, Turkish dictator, flashing his <cough> "micro-manhood," for the entire world to see? 




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