5 Apr 2021

5.04.2021 It is snowing hard! NO blizzards are forecast!


Monday 5th 34F, cloudy but hopeful of some sunshine. 7.50 and a blizzard has completely stolen the view. It stayed dry but cool for my walk to the lanes. It was surprising how variable was the snow cover. Some fields were solid white. While those next door were their normal green. I was told off by a Great tit for having the timerity to walk past its tree on the road. A couple of noisy geese went over. Now it is brightening up with sunshine.

Denmark is to spend a vast fortune on motorway charging stations for ultra-wealthy, EV owners. Long queues of petrol heads are expected to block them in the hope of a rare sighting of a "real" Danish owned EV. No doubt hoping to make a quick fortune on Google.Advertising.YouTube.Advertising.Con as mentally retarded pranksters. These same, Danish billionaires', private chargers will then be removed. At even greater expense. Because a single, commercial charger has been installed anywhere else within the national borders of Denmark. Even on the island of Samsø. [Sic]

Denmark has a new "Insane Drivers" law. Exceeding speed limits by 100%, exceeding allowed, blood alcohol levels and other "perfectly normal, sociopathic" behaviours, will result in immediate confiscation of the car.  

There was a delay as insane driver apologists demanded that leased and loaned cars were not eligible for confiscation. Which was a complete nonsense. Since leased [or loaned] cars were the favoured form of transport for certain [sociopathic] individuals. Banned drivers simply registered their vehicles in another person's name and continued to drive. Or imported an identical car and swapped the number plates around.

Quite a few, mainly young, drivers have already found themselves on the side of the road without transport. Permanent confiscation must be approved by the courts. To decide if the car should be sold at auction. With proceeds going to the public purse. The absolute human right, to own a life-long driving license, is also up to the courts. The Danish news is constantly reporting drivers with multiple bans continuing to drive. 

Despite the availability of something called "Information Technology" [Sp.?] there still seems to be no cross referencing of driving license, vehicle registration, health, sight, habitual drug and drunk behaviour, income, taxation/wealth, periodic vehicle testing, psychiatric history, insurance, driving offences and Road Tax. So any drug abusing, homeless, 6 year-old with ADHD and a paper round can own and drive a brand new Ferrari.

Drug dealers and other criminal gangs, running fleets of leased, luxury cars seemed to go completely unnoticed. Until the drivers are finally arrested for criminal behaviour. Even when these same vehicles were frequently reported to be used illegally or antisocially. 

The Danish newspapers were full of headlines of alcoholics refusing to stop driving. Even with the most bizarre and dangerous, repeated behaviour behind the wheel. Like driving along cycle paths and pavements. Only when the Danish TV companies did an extremely rare outside broadcast. Beyond the capital's social barricades. Did the police finally intervene.

There is a suggestion that certain Danish streets could become "No Cars on Sundays" affairs. Petrol heads will, no doubt, be queuing to enjoy their absolute human right. To drive where they damned well please. When they damned well please and how they damned well please. Even if it is at insanely high speed just to reach the local takeaway. Burp! 

By the time they have robots, affordable enough to do litter picking, I shall be too old to notice the linear landfill. Which frames my daily, rural walks. Do you think anybody would mind if I buy a long pair of tongs and put the garbage right back on the road where it came from? Is there any law against returning garbage INSIDE a McSlobs? Which is precisely where 90% of the local litter comes from.


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