1 Feb 2021

1st February 2021


Monday 1st. 30F, dark, overcast, white and misty. Rumours of sunshine this afternoon is bound to be fake news. A bus just went very slowly along the road. It must be icy.

A walk along the snow covered, tractor tracks on the fields.

Isn't it ironic how the fascists demand greater freedom during this devastating pandemic. Yet freedom is always the very last thing on their minds if they ever get the merest whiff of real power. Would they be so tolerant of public demonstrations, which they demand for themselves, once they smell the easy [Taxpayer's] loot? 

Trillionaire, Lifetime Dictator, Tzar Pootin [The Truly Awful] 5000. Justice 0.


GOP cheers on its educationally challenged, racist, white trash.

'She is weighing us down': Georgia GOP cringes at Marjorie Taylor Greene spectacle - POLITICO

Ask not what is in it for me. But how I may serve the people to the very best of my ability. So that I may leave an improved world as my lasting legacy. Yeah, Right! 🤣



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