14 Feb 2021

14.02.2021 Chump cancer infinitely worse than Jinping Plague!


Sunday 14th. Misty, calm and cold with all day sunshine promised. A repeat of yesterday. 9F/-13C outdoors, 48F/9C in living room, 37F/3C in kitchen and bathroom. Iced over windows in in the kitchen and bathroom again. You know it's not warm enough when you can feel the cold air flowing over your face as you cross the living room.

I managed to get the bathroom up to a chilly 43F for my shower last night. That was after 20 minutes of the 2KW fan heater. I have redefined the meaning of a "quick shower!" Next stop the Tokyo Olympics in "Senior Speed Showering." I just hope I remember to turn up.

Snow is forecast for tomorrow but just above freezing by Wednesday. Rain too. Which will turn everything into a mud bath.

Chump's Brownshirts would have acquitted Hitler of the Holocaust. Job done. America can never recover from this. There is no more crime in America. Because the definition of "crime" has just been officially abolished. If treason, the worst crime imaginable by a White House, white trash dosser, is not a crime. Then the term "crime" has no further meaning under US law. How many Republican Brownshirts would have to have died at the hands of the mob for Chump to be found guilty? Ten, twenty? All of them?

The US prisons should be emptying about now. All are innocent under this insane ruling. America's terminal decline has just been rubber stamped by the Republican Brownnoser Party. The irony is that the highest ambulance chasers in the land have just signed a declaration that all ambulance chasers are no longer required. 

No need for the FBI either. Nor the police. Send the NSA home on extended leave until early retirement. There is no more "crime" to be investigated. Think of the trillions in savings! Don't call Saul! 

Hang on, though. If there is no "crime" then the term "lawmaker" has also been abolished. They can close the Senate and Congress now. Hand the country over to the gang leaders, Mexican drugs warlords, armed militia, neo-fascists and Mafia. The White House can go too. It already belongs 50-50 to Pootin and "Plague" Jinping anyway. They paid for it with laundered, US taxpayer's money.

Sly "Plague" Jinping is hiding his personal guilt behind his personal pandemic. By denying the WHO the raw data from the earliest infections. What did you expect from a genocidal maniac? With delusions of grandeur which make Pootin look like a Boy Scout. 

Time for a walk. So I can warm up. I did too. Up to the forest. Then climbed the steep tracks up to the beech trees at the highest point. Returned by the direct route to avoid the road. I had swapped over to my walking boots but should have kept to the winter boots. My toes were a bit cold today. Despite the thick socks. 

The surface of the snow was distinctly granular. With a coating of tiny, blade-like crystals. So that they flashed like jewels as far as the eye could see. Even on distant hills, thousands of yards away. Presumably the twinkling was caused by low lying thermal effects in the bright sunshine. 

Yet again there were countless animal tracks. Even some messy excavations in the snow of the beech wood. Deer dashed away so they may have been making these holes to lie in overnight. The untidy beds of beech leaves they had uncovered may have provided more warmth than the bare snow. Or, perhaps they were just digging for food? Three more deer were grazing out of a huge field covered in snow. Even hundreds of yards away they were very wary of me. Soon breaking into flight for the nearest trees.

13.30 After a morning of continuous sunshine the outside temperature has reached a cosy 30F. 55F in the living area. 38F in the kitchen and bathroom. The walls in the bathroom are at 26F/-3C! It will take time for them to warm up. Because they receive no sunshine. So must rely on rising, outside air temperature. 


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