19 Feb 2021

19.02.2021 Rover lands on Mars but still no paint-on, home insulation?


Friday 19th 36F, heavy overcast, light winds. Some sunshine is promised. Tentative plans for a distributed heating system in the kitchen and bathroom have been quashed by The Management. 

I wonder if hibernating in an insulated shipping container would work? It would need a proper door.. Nah. By the time I had fitted a ventilation system, to avoid inevitable suffocation, it would be as draughty as our present hovel. The outside temperature peaked at 43F with the living quarters stuck at 61F.

They can send a Rover to Mars but they still don't have paint-on, building insulation? Why? They say that bloke on TV, who used a blowlamp on his pre-treated hands, sold out to the military. Presumably his "invention" didn't work with anything but burning high temperatures. Much the same as the tiles on re-entry vehicles. 

Most insulation works by trapping still air. Which means thickness is everything. Yet the vast majority of buildings on this planet cannot be made any "thicker." There is Aerogel but you need a Bitcoin bank account to pay for a few square yards. We need a low skill, fully DIY, paint-on, breathable, all surface, home insulation. Now will do. Save the planet?

A walk to the lanes in a cool, south westerly breeze. The banks of compressed snow from the ploughing still cling on in places. As does the big heap I made from repeatedly clearing the parking space. Three Whooper swans went over in a perfectly straight line. A few gulls and crows retreated. As they do. I wish I knew who had been spreading fake rumours about my being a danger to wildlife. I'm not, you know.

I see Canada has joined Ozz in fighting the Evil Dr Z. The lifetime dictator of Facebook.1984.con. The tax-free, global monitoring & privacy destruction, fascist/terrorist/extremist publicity platform, global fake news source, child porn hub and false advertising to children behemoth. Did I leave anything out? 

Denmark is thinking of joining Ozz. Evil Dr Z's behaviour, in removing all Ozzy material from their online global dictatorship, may well be causing the very domino effect Evil Dr Z most feared. 

He has denied access to OFFICIAL, vital health information. Including that on Jinping Plague. While false rumours and fake news continue to go unchecked. As he relies on algorithms to save money on salaries for human employees. 


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