23 Sept 2019

23.09.19 You [Chump] have stolen our childhood! [Thunberg.]


Monday 23rd, 55-66F, easterly gales, occasional sunshine. The wind was roaring in the trees and my ears as I walked to the lanes. Three cars were aiming for the Danish National Land Speed Record but I saw no Guinness observers. The gulls were scattered across several fields waiting for the breakfast gong. I could hear the roar of a spraying machine and there was a strange smell on the air. Surely not even a village idiot would be spraying in these wind conditions?


Tuesday 24th 56-66F, calm and dark grey. Walked across the prairie up to the woods. Along an overgrown track then down through the steep fire breaks. The lack of wind made it far too warm. Back along the marsh where about 100 young ducks were foraging on the field beside the lake. They took off all at once and flew to the far side of the water. Where they milled about while deciding what to do next.

I plodded briskly on towards the road on the well worn track. I could hear an engine running but saw no vehicle on the road once a tractor had passed. Only then did I realise that the farmer was following just behind me in his smart 4WD. I stepped back to let him pass and he waved. No lecture on trespassing today.

I almost didn't make it home again. The blind corner with no verge was taken by a vast lorry at high speed with me cowering on one foot the apex as I leaned against the hedge. Just to add to the misery was a car right on the lorry's rear bumper. Obviously practising for the "double tap." Just in case the lorry didn't get me. That was the closest ever!

I am just going to have to cross to the wrong side of the road in future. Then walk the corner on the opposite verge until the danger is over. 

Did you see the pictures all over the news media when St.Greta Thunberg spotted a fat, wild boor passing through the climate conference with its mouth wide open? If looks could kill! How can one fat retard stand in the way of reducing the global impact of CO2? Ask his supporters. He promised them Robin Hood policies and all they got was same old, same old Sheriff of Nottingham.

Will the truth come out one day that Chump is subsidized under the table by big Oil, Coal and Gas? The dullard couldn't resist having a go at St.Greta on Junior Twatter. I just hope Ms. Thunberg has some serious security. With millions of Brown Shirts following Their Great [fat] Leader's every word she must surely be in serious danger?

It should only take about a dozen of his loyal ICE Brown Shirts with military grade, assault rifles to put any female in her "proper" place. Or some <cough> brave sniper? Can they risk a global outpouring of sympathy for a young, climate martyr? Or is the sheer pleasure of murdering any young and inferior female just too much for one of these jack booted extremists to resist? I'm shocked that Von Chump even let her into the USA. She is obviously far more important and vastly more popular than he is. Or ever will be.

I was just about to go for a ride when it started raining. I gave it another hour and set off onto wet roads and suddenly increasing rain. Fortunately it stopped as I shopped. Tailwind helping me home. Only 7 miles. What a hero! Still doing his bit for the climate after all these decades. While the drivers, swarming all around me, gave not a shit.

Wednesday 25th 55F light winds, very heavy overcast and raining. The forecast was for grey and no rain. Or grey and rain all day. Take your pick. BTW: The windows are wet. That's not what the national weather service said.

Talking of rain: Did you see the combined events triathlon in Britain pretending to be the World Championships time trial? Water up to two feet deep on the route! What a farce! They weren't even wearing life jackets on their bikes! No drownings are reported amongst the competitors. Though not for the want of trying in some cases. Here's a Dane taking the swimming event rather more seriously than most. The lengths the Brits will go to to save money, eh? What next? Pedalo world championships on damp roads?


The roads were damp but not my spirits as I walked briskly to the lanes and back again. I used my road crossing strategy on the lethal corner but there was no traffic to be seen in either direction. Typical!


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