1 Sept 2019

1st September 2019 Tentative triking.


Sunday 1st September, 62F, overcast and calm. Overnight, thundery rain should be over for morning walks and rides. I used the stubble fields to loop up to the woods as the cloud thinned. Turning back to photograph the view and the western sky had gone black. Even the nearest wind turbines appeared soft as if engulfed by heavy rain. The overcast became much heavier but it stayed dry as I took a short cut across the fields in a hurry for home. Countless crane flies low down. While flocks of small birds foraged or moved away along the hedgerows.

If it clears up a bit I might try for some Sunday shopping on the trike. An outlet is open every day about 10 miles away. Or not, as a heavy shower passes over. The idiot passed up another chance to call it off when the radar showed a band of rain crossing his intended target.

Half way there it absolutely tipped down with a headwind to boot. The lanes were awash. Streams running downhill, floods on the flats. I turned in to shelter in a shop doorway and discovered an English, lady cyclist doing Germany and Denmark in a fortnight. It stopped raining almost immediately after that so I did my shopping.

A gentle tailwind on the way back helped me to feel stronger than I was. A psychopath in an illegally speeding convoy of Sunday drivers tried to close the gap as I crossed through the chain to take my rural exit. You missed me! Only 20 miles but everything I was wearing was still sopping wet on my return after two hours away.


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