
19th 40-57F, bright and calm. You have to
laugh: The latest crop of musical chairs players [politic-ooze] are demanding an
absolutely paltry increase in cigarette prices... PROVIDED social
security payments are increased to match! Dugh? Say what?
Nobody has yet explained when cigarettes became essential to survival of the underclasses. Is it simply a matter of maintaining street cred for the vulnerable?
Doubling the price is still just chickenfeed. Though it would probably make a slight dent in the next generation of
educationally challenged
Then they wouldn't be able to afford their weekend fixes and wacky baccy as
well. So would have to make a choice between their filthy habits. Then there is
the cost of sugar bomb drinks and takeaways. How could they possibly
afford those, all day, every day, if cigarettes were more expensive? What
an awful choice! But never mind. The taxpayer will always pick up the tab for the latest football supporter's strip. Changed twice in one month, you say? Season ticket to the rich boy's, money laundering game? No problem!
Denmark's vacuous plans to cut CO2 by
70%, within ten years, have just been given another scientific thrashing. This on top of
the CO2 burden of importing firewood from right around the globe to
make electricity. Clear felling endangered forests? No problem. Denmark's oil production in the North Sea promises to
make a complete mockery of any feeble drop in Denmark's proud history of National CO2 Production. Nothing changes as a result of fiddling around the edges of human society's survival strategies.Ask the farmers to stop cultivating marshland? Nah.

LOTS OF self-driving, electric cars onto the roads would be a huge bonus in
health, accident prevention and lowered noise levels for most. Yet nobody seems to mention the indescribable CO2 burden in their manufacture, advertising and global distribution.
As always, a few posh cars never made a revolution. You have to get the
masses on board any <cough> sea change to make the slightest
REAL change. Every car will need automatic floats by
the time electric cars are affordable for all. Should the billions, who have no
car now, want an electric car... what then?
Why the Hell are
most cars designed to carry more than one or two people? Why is there no
market for
practical smaller vehicles? Most car journeys are taken entirely alone. If taxis
cost an arm and a leg and two kidneys it would be a VALID alternative
for MASS transport. MASS being the operative word. We can't afford, nor
can we find the resources to build electric cars for all. Not with the
present technology and infinite demand for finite resources of [very] rare earths and
metals. Not to mention the vast CO2 burden of obtaining. smelting and distributing them.
Cycling is super efficient and needs far less space than some drooling commuter's place on the micro-hierarchy of mass produced Euroboxes, styling accessories and wide alloy wheels. The downside of cycling is discomfort when it is not balmy, calm and level. Boxing cycles into a slippery clog is a hopeless cul-de-sac for most. It would also cause traffic jams!

So we need to box in the cyclist with easily affordable, practical and comfortable
weather proofing. Why does it cost literally hundreds of pounds/dollars for a square meter of breathable/shower proof cloth? To pay for the advertising?
Most of this kit is made in China. Or similar forced labour/slave economy countries. The mark-up must be astronomical! Literally
giving away efficient cycle clothing to all would be far more useful, both nationally and globally, than pretending to cut taxes for those who pay none at all anyway.
Why are the taxpayers paying for cigarettes for the poor? When they could be cycling to properly paid work. We need a revolution in transport. Let the rich have their empty pride in their robot-produced, tin-pot, luxury, battery boxes. They really don't matter a damn in the grand scheme of things. Provided they don't want to share our new cycle paths.
There have been no recent, public statements on Denmark's millions of cancer causing woodburning stoves. They are a burden on those who still need to breathe. Many stoves are old fashioned and far less efficient than they should be. What is the REAL alternative?
Subsidise air-to-air heat pumps? The Grid cannot manage its task if millions of electric cars need charging. How could it possibly cope with millions of heat pumps blasting away all night? Windmills? Nope. Solar panels on every roof? Nope. You'd need a National Battery Bank to even out the load. Even local electricity production and use is limited in what it could achieve.

The latests round of self-serving politicooze demanded our votes to solve the climate crisis. Just making one tiny country, like Denmark, more CO2 efficient, is going to be very painful. Never mind. They can easily afford a couple of dozen of Chump jets at a billion a pot in
REAL costs.
Now you [the politic-ooze] can [allegedly] afford to mix it with the big boys on every war front around the globe. Imagine the increased risk back at home from hundreds of thousands of imported, fighting age zealots! Besides, what's a few hundred
more homeless ex-soldiers with PTSD and lifelong problems?
The Powers That Be can easily afford to hand over tens of billions in taxation as imaginary and illegal refunds to foreign and domestic crooks. It's certainly not a lack of taxpayer's cash then. In fact it seems [almost] disposable when you are really deep in the politic-ooze.
Just dealing with the obesity epidemic, with a few % taxes on sugar and fat bombs is still an assault on basic human rights it seems. Well, they can always raise the social security payments to match the intolerable burden on the poor, fat, chain smoking, drug abusing, hospital bed abusing, masses.