Another MacShite cuts out the middle man and dumps their litter on our verge. Mind you, with the councils saving money on bin emptying, by removing every single public litter bin, there isn't any choice if you are hiding your gluttony, chronic obesity, heart condition and diabetes from your family. <burp!>
Talking of officialdom and rotten eggs, I see the EU has been spending 320 million of taxpayer's own pocket money on this week's, latest, gigantic new palace in Brussels. Well, it makes a change from paying the EU mafia billions to build 7-lane, bicycle superhighways to absolutely nowhere in Sicily. Or handing millions more to crooked, right wing, Danish, political parties for private yacht trips and luxury restaurant banquets at our expense. To think my parents fought a war to get rid of this evil. If it ain't Broxit, don't mend it? Whatever.
Off we, jolly well, go! Rather windy by the time I finally escaped. Headwind going and crosswind for the rest. Very mild, so I was soon overheating in my best, recycled, winter cycling jacket. A drunken, psychopathic, registered blind, senile, drug addicted, fuckwitted zombie, in a black, Mercedes 4WD, decided Christmas was not the same any more. Not without another trophy dangling from its hideously blood-stained necklace of shrunken skulls. So it brushed close by me as it sped past past on a huge, wide and empty, perfectly straight road, with nothing coming the other way. You know who you are. Seek professional help! Do it now, before you hurt yourself. 19 miles, still not out. The slow puncture is confirmed. Another roundtoit.
Sunday 11th 48F, 9C, cloudy and breezy with one shower landing on me. I walked to the village and back then went shopping in the car. A trike is not designed for bringing hundreds of kilos of compressed, wood fuel briquettes home. After that I was dizzy for most of the day. Not as a result of the exercise, which went well. I shall have to get in touch with the surgery about my inner ear problem. No ride today.
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